Children of divorced parents are more likely to be obese

It is thought that parents who are divorced may have less time to cook healthy meals and instead rely on processed convenience foods that are less healthy, the researchers said.

Children may also turn to comfort eating because of the emotion trauma of the split, ongoing arguments, potentially moving house and shared custody, it was suggested.

Around one in four children in Britain are overweight or obese.

The researchers found that children born to parents who had never married were no more or less likely to be overweight than those whose parents were married.

This suggests it is the nature of the breakdown of the marriage that triggers the gain in weight.

The study was based on 3,166 eight-year-old pupils across 127 primary schools in Norway whose weight, height and waist circumference were measured independently.

It was found that 18 per cent of children with married parents were overweight or obese compared with 28 per cent of those whose parents were divorced.

Lead author Dr Anna Biehl, of Division of Epidemiology, at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, wrote in the journal BMJ Open: “One can only speculate whether the changing structure of daily life has a large effect on the children of divorced parents, living with only one parent or spending half their time with the mother and/or the father.

“The loss of various resources, like the absence of one of the parents or the loss of a parental figure, usually the father, can explain the negative implications of a divorce.

“A consequence might be less time for domestic tasks such as cooking and reliance on more convenient, ready-to-eat foods. As processed foods tend to be higher in fat and lower in nutritional value the result is an altered, less healthy diet.

“The household income and support from any non-custodial parent or the welfare state is often lower than in corresponding non-disrupted families. Consequently, fewer economic resources may be available for divorced parents, which might lead to cheaper and less healthy choices.

“Other mechanisms affecting children’s weight status through divorce (or dissolved relationship) could be related to emotional stress.”

Tam Fry, honorary chairman of the Child Growth Foundation and spokesman for the National Obesity Forum, said: “I am not surprised by this. It is comfort eating. We have known for a long time that children especially young children when confronted by anxiety or worry will go straight to food as a way of making them feel better.

“Of course the food they go for is sweet because sweetness brings comfort.

“Having children is the most responsible thing that people can do but at a time of divorce they are so full of hatred and loathing for their partner that they fail to recognise the needs and desires of their child. It is desperately sad.”

Norman Wells, of the campaign group, Family Education Trust, said: “This study highlights just one of the adverse consequences of family breakdown, which is estimated to cost the public purse £46 billion each year.

“Children living with their own married parents tend to have fewer emotional and behavioural problems, enjoy better health, do better academically, and have lower levels of stress, depression and anxiety. They are also less likely to smoke, drink and take drugs,

“This new research serves as a further wake-up call to the government about the need to promote and encourage marriage and stable family life. Individuals and the nation as a whole are paying a high price for pretending that that all family forms are of equal benefit to society.”