Commuter with measles also dined at Bay Area restaurant

(AP)—Officials say the commuter who may have exposed at least 1,500 Bay Area Rapid Transit riders to measles also ate at a popular Northern California restaurant.

BART warned commuters for a second time this month about possible exposure. San Mateo County health officer Scott Morrow says the infected resident traveled from the Millbrae station to the Civic Center Station between 4:30 and 5 p.m. Feb 20.

Berkeley health officer Janet Berreman tells the Contra Costa Times ( ) that the infected person also went to La Mediterranee in Berkeley from 6:45 to 8 p.m. Feb. 20. Hundreds of diners and workers could have been exposed.

Health officials say the risk is low and almost negligible for immunized people. The person didn’t know about the infection.

BART riders faced possible exposure when another person commuted Feb. 4-6.