Dad Of Baby Born Without Skull Opens Up After Son’s Story Goes Viral

“It’s hard not to think about how this all started and where we are today,” the dad wrote. “Most importantly, Jaxon is still here with us, still learning, still developing, still thriving. He’s back to smiling at us, always so happy in the morning after he wakes up and takes turns looking at both Mommy’s and Daddy’s face, seemingly as if he is so excited to start another day.”

Buell went on to discuss the way people react to Jaxon and the parents in public and online, as his first birthday milestone quickly circulated across many publications in September and his Facebook page reached over 200,000 likes. “There are so many things about Jaxon, our family, and his story that are completely misunderstood. It’s baffling to hear or see other people’s opinions on our baby that have never met him, that somehow know how he thinks, how he acts, how he feels, how much of what he does is voluntary or involuntary, how he is always in pain, and that we are selfish parents for not choosing to have an abortion, and for having a Facebook and a GoFundMe page for him,” the dad wrote. 

“Most will never know the joy and the struggles that we experience behind closed doors with Jaxon,” Buell continued, openly explaining his son’s condition, his family’s decision-making process while their baby was still in utero and the story behind the Facebook GoFundMe page, which was created by a former colleague to keep Jaxon’s extended family informed of his progress.