Do You Feel the Need for Speed?

“I’d like to wear my braces just a few more months.” — said No One

Time… it’s the No. 1 obstacle to orthodontic treatment for adults and teens.

Moving the hardest element in our body (a tooth) within the second hardest tissue in our body (bone) can be a slow process because orthodontic treatment has a biological speed limit; the bone around teeth needs to soften and harden in a slow, orderly fashion as the teeth move.

Today, with state-of-the-art technology, wearing braces may not necessarily even be a two-year commitment.

Recent advances in orthodontics reduce treatment time 30-50 percent. Besides taking up your valuable time, here’s why you care about wasting unnecessary time in braces:

? likelihood of breakage and repairs increases;
? higher incidence of tooth decay; and
? it’s way more fun to kiss your significant other without braces.

Fast track your orthodontic treatment with today’s cutting edge technologies:

Surgical — Accelerated osteogenesis procedures soften the bone around teeth shortening overall treatment time so that teeth start moving within days (instead of weeks) of braces application.

Mechanical Vibration — Acceledent is a device that applies vibrations to teeth to accelerate tooth movement. The patient bites on a thin, motorized mouthpiece for 20 minutes per day. While there have been conflicting studies regarding beneficial effects for patients wearing braces, many orthodontists report that their Invisalign patients are able to reduce individual aligner wear time by 50 percent.

Digital Imaging and Robotics — Suresmile uses digital imaging and robotics to create a precise 3D model of teeth, allowing the orthodontist to position teeth with laser beam accuracy to significantly reduce treatment time. Suresmile’s studies show a 30 percent reduction, which is ~6-8 less time in braces.

The Other Stuff — Six Month Smiles claims rapid treatment time for front teeth alignment only, and excludes any bite corrections. Usually used by dentists who took a two day orthodontics course and who are ill-equipped for managing complications, Six Month Smiles should only be used for cases where nothing can possibly go wrong… and when would that be?

To paraphrase the philosopher Mick Jagger, keep time on your side. Save time and mitigate risk by being an educated orthodontic consumer.