Dr. Ruth Says Not to Masturbate on the Subway, Because She’s "Old-Fashioned"

“First, make sure that you’re alone, because I’m old-fashioned and I don’t want anyone masturbating in the subways of New York. You can start thinking about it in the subway, but don’t touch yourself! Wait until you’re in the privacy of your own bedroom or bathroom. Music can help some women, but I think you should just read some erotic literature. (Or think of a football team standing in your bedroom.) For some, the orgasmic response might be stronger if you are standing up and leaning against a wall. If you’d rather lie down on the bed, just don’t fall asleep! And don’t answer the phone!

Finally, once you have an orgasm, feel free to stimulate yourself again to have a few more. Then you should rest a little, smile, and think of pleasant thoughts.”