Early detection of structural abnormalities and cytoplasmic accumulation of TDP-43 in tissue-engineered skins derived from ALS patients

1 Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Québec, Canada

2 CHU de Québec Research Center, LOEX-Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus, 1401, 18e rue, Quebec G1J 1Z4, Canada

3 ALS Clinic, Department of Neurological Sciences, CHU de Québec and the Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Québec, Canada

4 Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montréal, Canada

5 Department of Medical Biology, Division of Anatomic Pathology and Neuropathology, CHU de Québec, Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus, Québec, Canada