Effect of nonsurgical periodontal therapy verses oral hygiene instructions on Type 2 diabetes subjects with chronic periodontitis: a randomised clinical trial

40 subjects with type 2 diabetes and moderate to severe CP were randomly distributed to groups receiving either NSPT or OHI. Periodontal parameters, glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were evaluated at baseline, 2- and 3-months intervals.

40 subjects with type 2 diabetes and moderate to severe CP were randomly distributed to groups receiving either NSPT or OHI.

Periodontal parameters, glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were evaluated at baseline, 2- and 3-months intervals.

15 subjects from NSPT group and 17 from OHI group completed the study. The difference in plaque index (PI) between NSPT and OHI groups were significant at 2 months recall (p = 0.013).

There was no significant difference between NSPT and OHI group for all other clinical periodontal parameters, HbA1c and CRP levels. At 3 months post-therapy, periodontal parameters improved significantly in both groups with sites with probing pocket depth (PPD)

Mean PPD and mean probing attachment loss (PAL) within the NSPT group reduced significantly from baseline (2.56 +/- 0.57 mm, 3.35 +/- 0.83 mm) to final visit (1.94 +/- 0.26 mm, 2.92 +/- 0.72 mm) (p = 0.003, p

Similarly, HbA1c levels decreased in both groups with NSPT group recording statistically significant reduction (p = 0.038). Participants who demonstrated = 50% reduction in PPD showed significant reductions of HbA1c and hs-CRP levels (p = 0.004 and p = 0.012).

NSPT significantly reduced PI at 2 months post-therapy as compared to OHI.

Both NSPT and OHI demonstrated improvements in other clinical parameters as well as HbA1c and CRP levels.Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01951547.

Author: Renukanth Patabi RamanTara Bai Taiyeb-AliSiew Pheng ChanKaruthan ChinnaRathna Devi Vaithilingam
Credits/Source: BMC Oral Health 2014, 14:79

Published on: 2014-06-25


News Provider: 7thSpace Interactive / EUPB Press Office

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