Half-Earth preservation with Natura 2000

In recent years, calls to preserve greater swaths of the Earth’s land- and seascapes have grown. In particular, numerous conservationists have called for the protection of half of the planet’s surface, a bold initiative that would preserve much of the world’s existing biodiversity and ecosystem function. However, the path to such a “half-Earth” preservation model lies largely in uncharted territory, with many potential pitfalls along the way.

Writing in BioScience, Dr. Thomas Campagnaro of the University of Padova, in Italy, and his colleagues elucidate one possible route to better landscape preservation. In their article, the authors describe Natura 2000, the world’s largest conservation network. Based in the European Union, the network relies on strong governance, flexible designations, and scientific expertise to produce reliable conservation outcomes.

In this episode of BioScience Talks, Dr. Campagnaro is joined by coauthors Tommaso Sitzia, also of the University of Padova, and Erle Ellis, of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, to discuss the network and the prospects for scaling it up to a planetary scale.


To hear the whole discussion, visit this link for this latest episode of the BioScience Talks podcast.

The BioScience Talks podcast features discussions of topical issues related to the biological sciences.

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