Health experts warn of hidden spread of Lyme disease

Dr Hilary Kirkbride, head of zoonotic infections at the HPA, said: “With the warmer weather upon us, more people will be planning outdoor activities.

“Being active outdoors is great for our health, but as this is also the time of the year ticks become active, taking some simple precautions can help to keep you and your family safe from tick bites and reduce the risk of Lyme disease.”

Lyme disease normally starts with a rash spreading from a tick bite. Ticks can be removed from the skin using tweezers.

Dr Kirkbride added: “It’s important that people look out for ticks after visiting affected areas especially in the southern counties of England, the Lake District and the Scottish Highlands to reduce the risk from getting bitten.

“Ticks that can transmit Lyme disease are very small – about the size of a poppy seed – and can easily be overlooked, so it is important to check regularly for attached ticks on the skin.”