How 79% of Canadians support the therapeutic use of psilocybin for people at the end of life

79% of Canadians support the therapeutic use of psilocybin for people at the end of life

79% of Canadians support the therapeutic use of psilocybin for people at the end of life

A recent study conducted in Canada has revealed that an overwhelming majority of Canadians, approximately 79%, support the therapeutic use of psilocybin for individuals nearing the end of their lives. This groundbreaking research sheds light on the changing attitudes towards psychedelic substances and their potential benefits in palliative care.

Understanding the Study

The study, conducted by a team of researchers from various Canadian universities, aimed to gauge public opinion on the therapeutic use of psilocybin, the active compound found in magic mushrooms, for individuals facing terminal illnesses. The researchers surveyed a diverse sample of over 2,000 Canadians, representing different age groups, genders, and regions.

The results were astonishing, with 79% of respondents expressing their support for the therapeutic use of psilocybin in end-of-life care. This overwhelming majority suggests a significant shift in public perception and highlights the potential for psilocybin to be integrated into mainstream medical practices.

The Potential Benefits of Psilocybin Therapy

Psilocybin therapy has gained attention in recent years for its potential to alleviate psychological distress and improve the quality of life for individuals facing terminal illnesses. Research has shown that psilocybin, when administered in a controlled and supervised setting, can help patients cope with anxiety, depression, and existential distress often associated with end-of-life experiences.

Furthermore, psilocybin therapy has been found to enhance spiritual well-being and foster a sense of connectedness, allowing patients to find peace and acceptance during their final stages of life. These profound experiences can have long-lasting positive effects on patients’ mental health and overall well-being.

Implications for Palliative Care

The findings of this study have significant implications for the field of palliative care in Canada. With such strong public support, it becomes crucial for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and regulatory bodies to consider the integration of psilocybin therapy into existing treatment options for end-of-life care.

While further research and clinical trials are necessary to establish the safety and efficacy of psilocybin therapy, the study’s results provide a solid foundation for future exploration and potential policy changes. The therapeutic potential of psilocybin in palliative care cannot be ignored, and it is essential to ensure that patients have access to all available options that can improve their well-being during their final stages of life.


The study’s findings reveal a significant shift in public opinion regarding the therapeutic use of psilocybin for individuals at the end of life. With 79% of Canadians supporting its use, it is evident that there is a growing recognition of the potential benefits of psilocybin therapy in palliative care.

As the medical community continues to explore the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, it is crucial to prioritize research, education, and policy changes that can ensure safe and regulated access to this promising treatment option. By doing so, we can provide individuals facing terminal illnesses with the best possible care and support during their final stages of life.