How Being excluded or truant from school leads to mental health problems?and vice versa

Being Excluded or Truant from School and Mental Health

Being Excluded or Truant from School Leads to Mental Health Problems?and Vice Versa

Experiencing exclusion or truancy from school can have detrimental effects on a student’s mental health. Similarly, individuals with pre-existing mental health issues may be more prone to skipping school or being excluded. This interconnected relationship between school attendance and mental well-being highlights the importance of addressing both issues simultaneously.

The Impact of Exclusion and Truancy on Mental Health

When students are excluded from school, whether through suspension or expulsion, they often feel isolated and disconnected from their peers. This sense of alienation can lead to feelings of low self-worth, depression, and anxiety. Similarly, truancy, or regularly skipping school, can result in academic struggles, social isolation, and increased stress levels.

Consequences of Poor Mental Health on School Attendance

Conversely, individuals dealing with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or trauma may find it challenging to attend school regularly. These students may experience difficulties concentrating, interacting with peers, and managing their emotions, making it more likely for them to skip classes or avoid school altogether.

Addressing the Link Between School Attendance and Mental Health

It is crucial for schools and mental health professionals to work together to support students who are at risk of exclusion or truancy due to mental health concerns. Providing access to counseling services, implementing mental health awareness programs, and creating a supportive school environment can help mitigate the negative effects of both issues.


Being excluded or truant from school can exacerbate mental health problems, while pre-existing mental health issues can contribute to school absenteeism. By recognizing and addressing the interconnected nature of these challenges, we can better support students in achieving academic success and maintaining positive mental well-being.