How Biomedical STI Prevention Evidence may be Inadequate for Cisgender Women

How Biomedical STI Prevention Evidence may be Inadequate for Cisgender Women

How Biomedical STI Prevention Evidence may be Inadequate for Cisgender Women

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a significant public health concern, affecting millions of people worldwide. While biomedical interventions have been developed to prevent STIs, it is important to acknowledge that the evidence supporting these interventions may be inadequate for cisgender women.

The Gender Gap in Biomedical STI Prevention Research

Historically, biomedical research on STI prevention has primarily focused on cisgender men who have sex with men (MSM) due to the higher prevalence of certain STIs in this population. As a result, there is a significant gender gap in the evidence base for cisgender women.

This gender gap is problematic because cisgender women face unique challenges and vulnerabilities when it comes to STI prevention. Biological factors, such as the anatomy of the female reproductive system, can increase the risk of STI transmission. Additionally, social and cultural factors, including gender inequality and power dynamics, can further contribute to the vulnerability of cisgender women.

The Need for Gender-Specific Research

In order to address the inadequate evidence for cisgender women, there is a critical need for gender-specific research on biomedical STI prevention. This research should focus on understanding the effectiveness and acceptability of interventions specifically designed for cisgender women.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the diverse experiences and needs of cisgender women. This includes taking into account factors such as age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation, as these can all influence STI risk and prevention strategies.

Expanding the Evidence Base

Expanding the evidence base for biomedical STI prevention among cisgender women requires a multi-faceted approach. This includes conducting rigorous research studies that specifically target cisgender women, as well as ensuring their inclusion in existing studies.

Additionally, it is crucial to involve cisgender women in the research process, from study design to implementation and dissemination of findings. Their perspectives and experiences can provide valuable insights and help shape interventions that are effective, acceptable, and tailored to their needs.


Addressing the inadequate evidence for biomedical STI prevention among cisgender women is essential for promoting their sexual health and well-being. By conducting gender-specific research and involving cisgender women in the process, we can develop interventions that are more effective, equitable, and inclusive.