How Brazil’s health agents scour junkyards and roofs for mosquitos to fight dengue epidemic

Brazil’s Health Agents Fighting Dengue Epidemic

Brazil’s Health Agents Scour Junkyards and Roofs for Mosquitos to Fight Dengue Epidemic

In recent years, Brazil has been facing a severe dengue epidemic, with thousands of cases reported annually. To combat this deadly disease, health agents in the country have taken a proactive approach by scouring junkyards and rooftops for mosquito breeding grounds.

Dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. These mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, making junkyards and rooftops potential hotspots for their reproduction. By targeting these areas, health agents aim to eliminate mosquito breeding sites and reduce the spread of dengue.

The Role of Health Agents

Health agents play a crucial role in the fight against dengue. They are responsible for identifying and eliminating mosquito breeding sites, educating the public about preventive measures, and conducting regular inspections to ensure compliance with health regulations.

Equipped with protective gear and insecticides, health agents meticulously search junkyards and rooftops for any signs of stagnant water. They remove discarded tires, old containers, and other items that can collect rainwater and serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Collaboration with Local Communities

Efforts to combat dengue in Brazil involve close collaboration between health agents and local communities. Health agencies organize awareness campaigns and community meetings to educate residents about the importance of maintaining a clean environment and eliminating mosquito breeding sites.

Community members are encouraged to report potential breeding sites and participate in clean-up initiatives. By involving the community, health agents can cover a larger area and effectively reduce the mosquito population.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is key in the fight against dengue. In addition to the efforts of health agents, individuals can take several preventive measures to protect themselves and their communities:

  • Regularly empty and clean containers that can collect water, such as flower pots, buckets, and birdbaths.
  • Cover water storage containers tightly to prevent mosquitoes from accessing them.
  • Use mosquito repellents and wear protective clothing, especially during peak mosquito activity times.
  • Install window screens and use bed nets to keep mosquitoes out.
  • Support local initiatives and participate in community clean-up campaigns.


Brazil’s health agents are at the forefront of the battle against dengue. By scouring junkyards and rooftops for mosquito breeding sites, they are taking proactive measures to reduce the spread of this deadly disease. However, the fight against dengue requires the collective effort of both health agents and the community. By working together and implementing preventive measures, we can protect ourselves and our communities from the dengue epidemic.