‘How Can I Stop Craving Sweets Immediately After A Meal?’

Or perhaps you didn’t eat enough food all day, particularly protein or fat. These nutrients offer satiety, so a lack can cause urges for fast energy (i.e., refined sugars and starches).


If emotions are your craving culprit, pause after your meal to ask yourself what you’re feeling and if there’s another behavior that could give you comfort (like calling your mom or lighting a candle). If a habit is the issue, wean yourself off the sweets by subbing your post-dinner dessert with something sugar-free that still feels indulgent, like a spoonful of peanut butter or mug of cinnamon tea.

And as for those nutrient deficiencies, aim for healthy proteins (like fish, eggs, or beans) and good fats (olive oil, avocado, nuts) in every meal. With these game plans, you should be able to extract your automatic sweet tooth and save the goodies for those times when nothing else will do.

Looking for healthy dinner options? Check out these 15 delicious pita pizza recipes:

This article originally appeared in the Jan/Feb 2017 issue of Women’s Health. For more healthy eating advice, pick up a copy on newsstands now!