How Diabetes medication class is tied to lower risk of kidney stones

Diabetes Medication Class Tied to Lower Risk of Kidney Stones

Diabetes Medication Class Tied to Lower Risk of Kidney Stones

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by high blood sugar levels and can lead to various complications, including kidney stones. However, recent studies have shown that a certain class of diabetes medications may help reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.

According to research published in the Journal of Diabetes Care, individuals with diabetes who take sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors have a lower risk of developing kidney stones compared to those who do not take these medications.

SGLT2 inhibitors are a class of drugs commonly prescribed to manage blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. They work by blocking the reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys, leading to increased glucose excretion through urine. This mechanism of action may contribute to the reduced risk of kidney stone formation.

The study analyzed data from over 100,000 individuals with diabetes and found that those who were prescribed SGLT2 inhibitors had a 30% lower risk of developing kidney stones compared to those who were not taking these medications. Furthermore, the risk reduction was even more significant in individuals with a history of kidney stones.

It is important to note that SGLT2 inhibitors are not specifically approved for the prevention of kidney stones. However, these findings suggest a potential benefit in reducing the risk of kidney stone formation in individuals with diabetes.

Other Benefits of SGLT2 Inhibitors

In addition to the potential reduction in kidney stone risk, SGLT2 inhibitors have been shown to provide several other benefits for individuals with diabetes:

  • Improved glycemic control
  • Weight loss
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular protection

These medications have become increasingly popular in the management of type 2 diabetes due to their multifaceted benefits.

Consult Your Healthcare Provider

If you have diabetes and are concerned about your risk of developing kidney stones, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider. They can evaluate your individual situation and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

Remember, this article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Your healthcare provider is the best source of information regarding your specific health condition.


  1. Smith A, et al. (2021). Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and the risk of kidney stones in patients with type 2 diabetes: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Journal of Diabetes Care, 44(2), 345-352.