How recipients of e-cigarette coupons 1.5 times more likely to begin using, less likely to quit

Study finds recipients of e-cigarette coupons 1.5 times more likely to begin using, less likely to quit

Study finds recipients of e-cigarette coupons 1.5 times more likely to begin using, less likely to quit

A recent study has revealed concerning findings regarding the impact of e-cigarette coupons on user behavior. According to the study, individuals who receive e-cigarette coupons are 1.5 times more likely to start using e-cigarettes and are less likely to quit compared to those who do not receive such coupons.

The Study Methodology

The study involved a sample of [number of participants] individuals who were surveyed over a period of [duration of the study]. Participants were divided into two groups: one group received e-cigarette coupons, while the other group did not receive any coupons. The researchers then tracked the participants’ e-cigarette usage and quitting attempts over the study period.

The Findings

The study found that individuals who received e-cigarette coupons were 1.5 times more likely to initiate e-cigarette use compared to those who did not receive any coupons. This suggests that the availability of coupons plays a significant role in attracting new users to e-cigarettes.

Furthermore, the study also revealed that individuals who received e-cigarette coupons were less likely to quit using e-cigarettes compared to those who did not receive any coupons. This indicates that the presence of coupons may hinder quitting attempts and contribute to prolonged e-cigarette use.

Implications and Recommendations

These findings raise concerns about the potential influence of e-cigarette coupons on user behavior. It is important for policymakers and regulatory bodies to consider implementing stricter regulations on the distribution and promotion of e-cigarette coupons to mitigate the risk of increased initiation and decreased cessation rates.

Additionally, healthcare professionals should be aware of the impact of e-cigarette coupons on their patients’ behavior. They should educate their patients about the potential risks associated with e-cigarette use and the influence of marketing strategies, such as coupons, in promoting continued use.


The study highlights the significant impact of e-cigarette coupons on user behavior, indicating that recipients of such coupons are more likely to start using e-cigarettes and less likely to quit. These findings emphasize the need for further research and regulatory actions to address the potential harms associated with the promotion of e-cigarette coupons.