How Substance use disorders on the rise for survivors of specific cancers

Substance Use Disorders on the Rise for Cancer Survivors

Substance Use Disorders on the Rise for Cancer Survivors

Substance use disorders have become a growing concern among survivors of specific cancers. While cancer survivors face numerous challenges during and after treatment, recent studies have shown an alarming increase in substance abuse among this population.

The Link Between Cancer Survivorship and Substance Use Disorders

Surviving cancer is undoubtedly a significant achievement, but it often comes with its own set of physical, emotional, and psychological struggles. The stress, anxiety, and depression that cancer survivors experience can lead to an increased risk of developing substance use disorders.

Research has shown that cancer survivors may turn to substances such as alcohol, tobacco, or prescription drugs as a coping mechanism. They may use these substances to alleviate physical pain, manage emotional distress, or escape from the overwhelming challenges of survivorship.

Specific Cancers and Substance Abuse

While substance abuse can affect survivors of any cancer, certain types of cancer have shown a higher correlation with substance use disorders. Breast cancer survivors, for example, have been found to have an increased risk of alcohol abuse. This may be due to the emotional and physical changes associated with breast cancer treatment.

Similarly, survivors of head and neck cancers often struggle with tobacco addiction. The use of tobacco products, such as cigarettes, can have detrimental effects on their overall health and well-being, further complicating their recovery process.

Addressing Substance Use Disorders in Cancer Survivorship

Recognizing the growing issue of substance use disorders among cancer survivors, healthcare providers and support organizations are taking steps to address this problem. Integrated care models that combine cancer treatment with substance abuse counseling have shown promising results.

Support groups and counseling services specifically tailored to cancer survivors can provide a safe space for individuals to share their experiences and receive guidance on managing their emotions and coping with stress without resorting to substance abuse.


Substance use disorders are on the rise among survivors of specific cancers, posing additional challenges to their overall well-being. It is crucial for healthcare providers, support organizations, and loved ones to be aware of this issue and provide the necessary resources and support to help cancer survivors navigate their recovery journey without turning to substance abuse.

By addressing the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to substance abuse, we can improve the quality of life for cancer survivors and ensure their long-term health and happiness.