How the order you view potential matches can affect which way you swipe

Dating Apps: How Viewing Order Affects Swiping Direction

Dating Apps: How Viewing Order Affects Swiping Direction


With the rise of dating apps, finding potential matches has become easier than ever. However, have you ever wondered how the order in which you view these matches can influence the way you swipe? In this article, we will explore the impact of viewing order on dating app algorithms and user behavior.

The Role of Dating App Algorithms

Most dating apps use complex algorithms to determine the order in which potential matches are presented to users. These algorithms take into account various factors such as location, interests, and user preferences. However, one crucial factor that can significantly affect the order is the swiping behavior of users.

Swiping Direction and User Behavior

When users open a dating app, they are presented with a series of profiles or potential matches. The order in which these profiles are displayed can influence the user’s swiping behavior. Research suggests that users tend to swipe right (indicating interest) more frequently when they are shown attractive profiles first.

Psychologically, users may feel more inclined to swipe right if they are initially presented with attractive individuals. This phenomenon is known as the “halo effect,” where positive impressions of attractive profiles can influence subsequent judgments.

Impact on Matching Success

The order in which you view potential matches can have a significant impact on your matching success. If you consistently swipe right on attractive profiles at the beginning, the dating app algorithm may prioritize showing your profile to other attractive individuals. This can increase your chances of receiving matches from people you find attractive.

On the other hand, if you swipe right less frequently at the beginning, the algorithm may assume that you have higher standards or are more selective. As a result, it may present your profile to a narrower pool of potential matches, potentially reducing your chances of finding a match.


While dating app algorithms play a significant role in determining the order of potential matches, user behavior also plays a crucial part. The order in which you view profiles can influence your swiping direction and, ultimately, your matching success. Understanding this dynamic can help you optimize your swiping strategy and increase your chances of finding meaningful connections on dating apps.