How To Enjoy The Adventure Of Life

To truly have balance in life, we know we need to not only prioritize our mental and spiritual well-being, but also our physical well-being. But what if there was a way to accomplish both of these goals at the same time?

Fortunately, there are those activities that not only give our bodies a workout, but also stimulate the mind and provide a sense of adventure. Professional wingsuit pilot Jeb Corliss, attorney and cyclist Chris Burns, and paddleboarder Matt Poth joined HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani to discuss how adventure is waiting just around the corner for all of us — we just need to take advantage of the opportunities to explore it.

While Corliss’s sport is one of the most extreme of the bunch, it also allows him to fulfill one of his lifelong dreams.

“I wanted to fly,” he explains. “And it just so happened that in order to fly, you want to be lightweight and strong. In order to do these things, you have to climb giant mountains, and just climbing mountains in and of itself gets you in shape.”

Burns, the cyclist, says that his chosen activity fulfills his sense of adventure by allowing him to explore his community — and the world.

“One of the great beauties is that I can be involved and participate in my sport nearly every day of my life,” he says. “I not only travel to ride my bike all over the country, all over the United States, all over the world, but I commute by bicycling. So day in, day out, when I’m traveling to my law practice from my home, I get to jump on my bike and I get to ride through my community, and even that provides me a whole bunch of adventure that other people don’t get to experience.”

While Poth was a cyclist initially as well, he gave up his bike once he discovered his passion for stand-up paddleboarding.

“I find paddleboarding to be extraordinarily refreshing for the soul and the body. Just a board and a paddle and any body of water, and before you know it, you’re standing on water, you’re secluded, you’re surrounded by nature, and you’re really enjoying life. Stand up for me really gets my spirit going,” Poth says.

To hear more about how to transform your workout from a chore to a mindful adventure, watch the full HuffPost Live clip in the video above.