How to increase adoption of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in peripheral vascular interventions

How to Increase Adoption of Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) in Peripheral Vascular Interventions

How to Increase Adoption of Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) in Peripheral Vascular Interventions

Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is a valuable imaging technique that provides detailed visualization of blood vessels from within. It has been widely used in coronary interventions, but its adoption in peripheral vascular interventions has been relatively low. However, a panel of experts is now advocating for increased adoption of IVUS in peripheral vascular interventions.

The Benefits of IVUS in Peripheral Vascular Interventions

IVUS offers several advantages in peripheral vascular interventions. Firstly, it provides real-time, high-resolution images of the vessel wall, allowing for accurate assessment of plaque burden, vessel diameter, and lesion characteristics. This information is crucial for determining the appropriate treatment strategy and selecting the most suitable devices.

Secondly, IVUS helps in guiding the placement of stents and other devices, ensuring optimal positioning and expansion. It allows for precise measurements of vessel size and helps identify areas of vessel narrowing or dissection that may not be visible with other imaging modalities.

Furthermore, IVUS can aid in the detection of complications such as stent malapposition, stent fracture, or vessel dissection during or after the intervention. Early identification of these issues can lead to timely corrective actions, improving patient outcomes.

The Role of the Panel

The panel of experts consists of renowned interventional cardiologists, vascular surgeons, and radiologists who have extensive experience in peripheral vascular interventions. They have come together to raise awareness about the benefits of IVUS and encourage its wider adoption in clinical practice.

Educational Initiatives

The panel is actively involved in organizing educational initiatives such as workshops, webinars, and conferences to train healthcare professionals on the effective use of IVUS in peripheral vascular interventions. They aim to bridge the knowledge gap and equip clinicians with the necessary skills to incorporate IVUS into their routine practice.

Research and Evidence

The panel is also committed to conducting and promoting research on the clinical outcomes of IVUS-guided peripheral vascular interventions. They believe that generating robust evidence will further strengthen the case for increased adoption of IVUS. By demonstrating the positive impact of IVUS on patient outcomes, they hope to encourage healthcare providers and policymakers to prioritize its use.


Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) has immense potential in improving the outcomes of peripheral vascular interventions. The panel of experts advocating for its increased adoption aims to raise awareness, provide education, and generate evidence to support its use. By embracing IVUS, healthcare professionals can enhance their decision-making process, improve procedural success rates, and ultimately deliver better care to patients.