How to Know When to Stop an Obsession

Last week’s cartoon,  about a sexual activity which surprised me by being so controversial, and has one word which some may find offensive,  is here. All rights reserved, and content including cartoons is © Donna Barstow 2014,  And Like me  on Facebook to get notified of new cartoons. Thanks!

Today’s cartoon is about a woman who has it all. Perhaps more than the average person has of one particular item. Oh, please, don’t tell me you haven’t collected something from time to time. Whether it’s displayed in your  living room, or hidden in your basement, most people have one.

The search for the perfect collection might be the hunter-gatherer instinct, a love of beauty or crafts, or a way to fill an empty space in your life. In any case, when you ask the world, What will you give me today?, sometimes you get an interesting reply.

Ebay and Craigslist buyers know what I’m talkin’ about.  I would love to hear what you collect, and why! It could be salt, or pepper, or even both. Or something else entirely.




And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 7 Feb 2014