How to Look Sexy Without Showing Any Cleavage

Cleavage: It’s one of those things that is so often associated with femininity and sex appeal. But what if you’re a gal that, for whatever reason, prefers to keep her bust line under wraps? Is there a way to appear flirty and free while still leaving something to the imagination in that department, or are you doomed to a frumpy future? Well, if you said, “No, no! Don’t take me to Frumpytown,” then here are a few options that could be a perfect solution for you.

Go for a Body-Con Shape
Covered-up can still be super sexy if you show off your overall shape with a body-hugging dress. Black is a really slimming choice for a body-con, or you can do a fun pattern to give the look a little more punch. Body-con shapes that are a little longer with a higher neckline will keep you sophisticated and covered while staying firmly in sexy territory.

Give a Peak of Midriff
Forget about the skin above the bust line for a bit and give a peak of midriff instead. Even if it’s only an inch or two, a two-piece outfit or a featured cutout will draw attention to an area other than the chest. Plus, especially in the colder months when flashes of skin are rare, a bit of midriff will be unexpected and steal the show.

Try a Skater Dress
A skater dress goes in at the natural waistline and flares out at the bottom for a feminine shape. A defined waist is always sexy, and the overall fit and flair of this dress style will pump up the drama. Plus, skaters tend to have higher necklines than other categories of dresses—perk!

Let Your Legs Do the Talking
I am a firm believer in dresses that reveal either leg or tasteful cleavage, but not both. For me, it can get a little too Pretty Woman to have everything out there at once. So if you keep the chest covered, go for mile-high legs instead. Of course, tall heels can help achieve this look—especially for those of us girls who fall below supermodel height!

Show Some Shoulder
The times that I’ve felt my sexiest, I’ve usually been in dresses that were highlight a good amount of shoulder. There’s something about a neckline that features the neck and collarbone area without exposing the bust line that really adds a sensual feel. You can go for a strapless dress with a higher neckline or an off-the-shoulder number—either way, you can’t lose!

See, that doesn’t sound frumpy at all, does it?

Even when you find a dress that flaunts your sexy side in all the right places, don’t forget that a confident attitude is what really makes the difference in how sexy someone looks and feels—and, thankfully, you don’t need to be any particular bra size to fit into that!

Laura Gummerman is the crazy cat lady who pens The Band Wife Blog and is a staff writer for A Beautiful Mess. She resides in Springfield, Missouri, with her musician husband, Todd, and plays mamma to two kitties in between Netflix binges. She is currently waiting for her next pizza fix (which she hopes will be soon).

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