How to Prevent Your Body from Aching During a Long Plane Flight

Traveling can be a huge pain in the neck—and the back, legs, and, well, you know. What sucks even more about soreness caused by sitting in the upright position is that, unlike post-workout muscle soreness, it’s a reminder that you’ve done absolutely nothing active for the last several hours. Womp. So, we chatted up Albert Matheny, an exercise physiologist and co-owner of Soho Strength Lab in New York City, about the stretch routine that will keep you from feeling like your seat beat you up for hours straight.

Why You Get So Freaking Sore
When you’re parked in an airplane seat (or, really any seat), your hip flexors and hamstrings are shortened, along with the muscles in your low back and most of the muscles connected to your hips, such as your quads and glutes, says Matheny. And when your muscles are shortened for a long period of time, it can make them tight when you stand up again. Plus, since your legs could be bent for hours on an airplane, it’s hard for your blood to circulate properly and nourish your muscles, which can also cause pain, says Matheny. 

To keep your bod from hating you after you deplane, Matheny recommends a series of stretches that target the muscles that start to scream. Check out the entire sequence in the pin-able infographic below, then scroll down for a detailed breakdown.

How to Stretch Pre-Flight
Doing the following moves at home before you head to the airport can help decrease your aches while onboard and after you get off, says Matheny. 

Perform one set of each exercise below in order. 

Move 1: Inchworm

Stand tall with your legs straight, and bend over and touch the floor (A). Keeping your legs straight, walk your hands forward (B). Then take tiny steps to walk your feet toward your hands. That’s one rep. Do 10.

Move 2: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Kneel down on your left knee, with your right foot on the floor and your right knee bent 90 degrees. Reach up with your right hand as high as you can (A). Bend your torso to your right (B). Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Move 3: Single Pigeon

Step your left leg forward and slide your foot forward toward your right, working to get your shin parallel to the front of the mat (if you’re using one). Keep your back leg straight as you lower your pelvis to the floor. Roll the outside of your left leg down by pushing into the outside edge of your foot. Even out your hips. Keep your front foot flexed. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.  

Move 4: Reclined Twist

Lie on your back and hug both of your knees to your chest, then straighten your left leg. Open your arms wide. Drop your right knee over your left side. Push your right shoulder down as you elongate your lower back and turn your head slightly to the right. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds; do three times on each side, alternating sides.

Move 5: Walking Heel to Butt

Stand tall with your arms at your sides. Step forward with your left leg, then lift your right ankle toward your butt, grasping it with your right hand. Pull your ankle as close to your butt as you can. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Release your ankle and take three steps forward. Repeat on the other leg. 

Move 6: Standing Calf Stretch

Stand about two feet in front of a wall in a staggered stance. Place your hands on the wall and lean against it. Shift your weight to your back foot until you feel a stretch in your calf. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side. 

How to Stay Loose Onboard
Matheny says you should also do maintenance stretches every hour during your flight in order keep your muscles loose and help circulate more blood to those shortened muscles. He also says it’s important to sit up nice and tall with your hips against the back of the seat and your chest open to keep your back and neck from hurting. Check out his in-flight stretch plan: 

Perform all of the exercises below, in order, resting in between each set. Then complete the sequence one or two more times. End by completing two or three more sets of move three.

Move 1: Arm Across

Stretch your right arm across to the left side of your body. Use your left arm to hold it in place. Do two or three sets of 20- to 30-second holds on each side, alternating sides.

Move 2: Ankle Over Opposite Knee 

Place your left ankle over your right knee and use your left arm to press down on your left leg above your knee. Do two or three sets of 20- to 30-second holds on each side, alternating sides.

Move 3: Leg Extension

Extend your left leg out in front of you and hold. Switch legs and repeat. That’s one rep. Do five sets of five-second holds.

How to Shake It Out Post-Plane
“If you have a chance to move every hour, you should have a huge improvement in the way you feel when you get off the plane,” says Matheny. However, he adds that it might not keep you 100-percent ache-free. In case you’re still a little sore when you get off the plane, he recommends repeating the pre-flight stretches. Just be sure to walk around a bit before stretching—like to grab your bags—to get your muscles warmed up. That’ll ensure a better stretch than if you just jump in immediately after you land, he says. 

Exercise how-tos adapted from The Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises, The Women’s Health Big Book of Yoga, and The Women’s Health Big Book of Abs (all published by Rodale, Women’s Health‘s parent company). For even more moves, get The Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises, The Women’s Health Big Book of Yoga, and The Women’s Health Big Book of Abs today!

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