How to Walk like a penguin: Tips on keeping your balance in winter

Walk like a penguin: Tips on keeping your balance in winter

Walk like a penguin: Tips on keeping your balance in winter


Winter can be a beautiful season, but it also brings slippery and icy conditions that can make walking a challenge. To avoid slips and falls, it’s important to learn how to walk like a penguin. Penguins have a unique way of walking that helps them maintain their balance on icy surfaces. In this article, we will share some tips on how to walk like a penguin and keep your balance during the winter months.

Tip 1: Keep your center of gravity low

One of the key techniques penguins use to maintain their balance is by keeping their center of gravity low. To do this, bend your knees slightly and keep your feet shoulder-width apart. This will help you distribute your weight evenly and provide better stability on slippery surfaces.

Tip 2: Take small and shuffling steps

Instead of taking long strides, take small and shuffling steps when walking on icy surfaces. This will help you maintain better control and prevent your feet from sliding out from under you. Keep your feet pointed slightly outward to increase stability.

Tip 3: Walk flat-footed

When walking on ice or snow, avoid walking on your tiptoes or with your heels. Instead, walk flat-footed to increase the surface area of your foot in contact with the ground. This will provide better traction and reduce the risk of slipping.

Tip 4: Use your arms for balance

Penguins use their flippers for balance, and you can do the same with your arms. Keep your arms out to the sides, slightly away from your body, to help you maintain stability. If you feel yourself starting to lose balance, use your arms to regain control.

Tip 5: Wear appropriate footwear

Invest in a good pair of winter boots with non-slip soles. Look for boots that provide good traction and have deep treads to grip the ground. Avoid wearing shoes with smooth soles or high heels, as they can increase the risk of slipping.


Walking like a penguin can significantly reduce the risk of slips and falls during winter. By keeping your center of gravity low, taking small steps, walking flat-footed, using your arms for balance, and wearing appropriate footwear, you can stay safe and maintain your balance on icy surfaces. Remember, it’s better to walk slowly and cautiously than to rush and risk injury. Stay safe and enjoy the winter season!