‘I Lost 5 Pounds By Following This Exact Eating Plan’

5:20 a.m. I wake up and weigh myself. I’m down two pounds!

6:00 a.m. I grab a bowl of Special K with some raspberries thrown in for breakfast. (215 calories)

6:15 a.m. I was going to make these 100-calorie blueberry muffins last night, but it didn’t happen after I got home from class. Now I’m scrambling to make them this morning. Hope these are good. I throw one in my purse and go!

8:45 a.m. Snack at work. That blueberry muffin turned out delicious! (100 calories)

11:30 a.m. Surprisingly, the blueberry muffin filled me up, so I’m not super hungry. But I have more of my roasted garlic cauliflower and two hard-boiled eggs, along with a 20-ounce bottle of water for lunch. (209 calories)

2:15 p.m. I’m not sure if I’m actually hungry or just bored, so I eat half a cup of plain Greek yogurt with raspberries and dark chocolate chips, just like yesterday. (156 calories)

4:36 p.m. Work is almost over, and I’ve only taken 3,826 step. Looking forward to some gym time tonight after my girls go to bed.

5:20 p.m. Home from work and the stomach’s grumbling. I share half of one of those blueberry muffins with my husband. (50 calories)

7:00 p.m. I make a healthy version of General Tso’s chicken and steamed rice. (387 calories)

8 p.m. As excited as I was to go to the gym, now that my daughters are in bed the couch is looking good. I drink some pre-workout and I’m good to go.

9 p.m. I spend an hour at the gym. I walk at an incline on the treadmill, use the elliptical, and strength train. (319 calories)

10 p.m. Off to bed.

End of the day: 10,284 steps and 1,190 calories eaten

Make these blueberry lime muffins for a skinny, sweet treat: