I Lost Nearly 100 Pounds Without Having to Give Up My Beloved Cheese-Its

During the first six weeks, I followed an intense nutrition plan created by KaiaFIT. In a nutshell: There was no sugar, alcohol, refined grains, dairy, or processed foods. Obviously, it was a big change, and I was pretty cranky since literally every part of my diet was changing. It was hard to get through.

But it shifted the way I thought about food. I started looking at the nutrition level of the foods I was eating before and realized how they were affecting my body.

RELATED:  7 Things That Happen to Your Health When You Stop Eating Dairy

One of my favorite healthy meals was a Kaia quesadilla: a gluten-free tortilla with quinoa, spinach, and red onions. Other than that, I made lots of soups, shakes, and salads.

And after giving up the foods I loved for a few weeks, I didn’t crave pizza or burritos anymore and my energy started to change.