?These ‘Extreme Weight Loss’ Success Stories Will Seriously Inspire You

BEFORE: 245 lbs
AFTER: 109 lbs

“I was always disgusted with how I felt and how I looked. I hated to see myself in pictures and hardly ever looked in the mirror. I even did my makeup in my car’s rearview mirror because it was the smallest. I knew that if I didn’t do anything about my health, I would end up bedridden or dead. Now, after Extreme Weight Loss, diet and exercise are a regular part of my life. I can definitely tell when I am not eating well or exercising by how my body and my mind feels. Due to food allergies, I eat very clean. I have learned fresh fruits, veggies, and protein are best for me. I used to let the scale own me. But once, I stopped weighing myself daily, I actually began making healthier choices and listening to my body.

“I feel what has helped me stay on track is surrounding myself with like-minded people who have had struggles with weight and strive to stay on track. If I am super-busy, I find doing quick cardio spurts makes me feel good and clears my mind. Also, if I get off track, I can tell how it affects my body. I feel like losing weight has made me more confident overall. I fight for the things I want instead of just staying in the background. I actually feel younger than I did 10 years ago.”

Ramp up your weight loss with these 10 strength moves: