Child referrals to mental-health clinics rises by nearly 50% in three years

Child referrals to mental health clinics rose by nearly 50 per cent over three years, statistics show.

A probe has revealed 31,531 under 11-year-olds were referred by their school for treatment in 2018.

This is an increase of 10,406 from the 21,125 referrals in 2015, the figures show.

Mental health experts and teachers alike have called the situation a ‘crisis’, with school staff even seeing youngsters ‘headbutt walls on a daily basis’.

Online bullying has been blamed for the rise in ‘extreme mental health distress’, which has caused some students to even attempt suicide on school grounds. 

Dani Worthington (pictured), head teacher of Moorside Community Primary School in Halifax, warns mental health 'crises' among students increase 'year on year'. She claims she even sees some children 'headbutting walls, punching walls, kicking walls on a daily basis' Dani Worthington (pictured), head teacher of Moorside Community Primary School in Halifax, warns mental health 'crises' among students increase 'year on year'. She claims she even sees some children 'headbutting walls, punching walls, kicking walls on a daily basis'

Dani Worthington (pictured), head teacher of Moorside Community Primary School in Halifax, warns mental health ‘crises’ among students increase ‘year on year’. She claims she even sees some children ‘headbutting walls, punching walls, kicking walls on a daily basis’

One in 10 schoolchildren in the UK has a diagnosable mental-health condition, Children’s Society statistics show. 

And five per cent of under-fives have conduct disorder, according to the Centre for Mental Health. This is defined as a ‘callous disregard for and aggression toward others’.

The issue is also rife in the US, where up to 7.1 per cent (4.4million) of two-to-17 year olds have been diagnosed with depression or anxiety, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 

To uncover how many children in the UK receive the help they need, the BBC sent out Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to 46 NHS mental-health trusts.

The responses revealed seven trusts have rejected a primary-school student at least five times over the past four years. 

And 12 had pupils waiting for mental-health services for more than a year. 

A primary school head teacher even claimed one of her pupils was rejected for treatment nine times and spent three years on a waiting list.

Dani Worthington, head teacher of Moorside Community Primary School in Halifax, told the BBC: ‘We’re seeing an increase year on year – more and more children with a variety of problems and it just seems to be getting harder and harder to manage. 

‘We’ve seen children headbutting walls, punching walls, kicking walls, and this can sometimes happen on a daily basis for these children as they’re going through some sort of crisis.’ 

Sue Blair, head teacher at Pennine Way Primary School in Carlisle, claimed she has seen children as young as seven or eight self harm, with many enduring online bullying and eating disorders before secondary school. 

And Clem Coady, head teacher at Stoneraise School in Carlisle, reported having a pupil in ‘extreme mental health distress’ for two years while they waited for treatment. 

The children’s commissioner for England Anne Longfield has blamed the ‘epidemic’ of mental-health problems among young people on the pressures of social media and increasingly demanding school environments. 

Earlier this year, the father of Molly Russell, who took her own life at 14 in November 2017, claimed she was influenced by self-harm and suicide content on social media. 

Molly Russell (pictured) took her own life at 14 years old in November 2017. Her father claimed she had been influenced by self-harm and suicide content on social media Molly Russell (pictured) took her own life at 14 years old in November 2017. Her father claimed she had been influenced by self-harm and suicide content on social media

Molly Russell (pictured) took her own life at 14 years old in November 2017. Her father claimed she had been influenced by self-harm and suicide content on social media

Sue Blair (pictured), head teacher at Pennine Way Primary School in Carlisle, claims to have seen students as young as seven or eight self harming, which may be due to online bullying Sue Blair (pictured), head teacher at Pennine Way Primary School in Carlisle, claims to have seen students as young as seven or eight self harming, which may be due to online bullying

Sue Blair (pictured), head teacher at Pennine Way Primary School in Carlisle, claims to have seen students as young as seven or eight self harming, which may be due to online bullying


Signs of depression in children can include:

  • Prolonged sadness
  • Irritability
  • Lack of interest in things they used to enjoy
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Poor concentration
  • Indecisiveness
  • Lack of confidence
  • Eating too much or too little
  • Inability to relax
  • Feeling guilty or worthless
  • Numb to emotions
  • Thoughts about suicide or self harming
  • Self harming

Some also have physical symptoms, like headache or abdominal pain. 

Older children may misuse alcohol or drugs. 

Depression in children can occur due to family issues, bullying, other mental-health problems, or physical, emotional or sexual abuse.

It can be triggered by one event, such as a bereavement, or a build-up of things.

If you suspect your child is depressed, try to talk to them about how they are feeling.

Let them know you are concerned and you are there if they need you.

If they will not talk to you, encourage them to reach out to another relative, teacher or family friend.

If this does not help, contact your GP, who may refer your child to a specialist mental-health service.

Source: NHS  

The BBC also sent FOI requests to 500 primary schools throughout England.

This revealed 191 children have self harmed on school grounds over the past four years. 

And four even attempted suicide on school property. 

Dr Bernadka Dubicka, chairwoman of the child and adolescent faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, called the figures ‘deeply worrying’.

She blamed ‘historically underfunded’ mental-health services for being unable to keep up with the demand.   

A Government spokesperson said it aims to improve mental-health services for children as part of its NHS Long Term Plan.

With an extra £2.3bn ($2.8bn) a year being invested into support, 345,000 more children should have access to specialist care by 2023-to-24, the spokesperson added. 

Ministers announced in February schools will teach pupils as young as four about mental health.

The lessons will help youngsters learn how to beat depression, stay safe online and practice ‘self care’. 

However, Dr Dubicka warns this may be ‘too little too late’ for some.  

If you or someone you know has contemplated or is concerned about suicide, you can speak to professionals for confidential support:

  • For confidential support in the UK call the Samaritans on 116123 or visit a local Samaritans branch, see for details.
  • For confidential support in the US call the National Suicide Prevention Line on 1-800-273-8255
  • For confidential support in Australia call the Lifeline 24-hour crisis support on 13 11 14

If you are worried about your child’s mental health, call the charity YoungMinds’ free parents’ helpline on 0808 802 5544.