How to stop overeating and feel bloated by avoiding these eating sins

The digestive tract is more than just a tube, consisting of several part, where different processes occur - all the components have to work to ensure good digestion

The digestive tract is more than just a tube, consisting of several part, where different processes occur – all the components have to work to ensure good digestion

Are you plagued by the familiar uncomfortable sensation in your stomach when you eat, that feeling that something ‘isn’t quite right’?

Do you suffer bloating, constipation, heartburn or cramps?

If so, you are most certainly not alone.

Tummy troubles are among the most common health complaint, and can have a real impact on a person’s quality of life.

But, why is it that an upset tummy is such a common occurrence? 

Nutritionist Cassandra Barns told Daily Mail Online: ‘Our digestive tract is not just a tube. 

‘It consists of several distinct parts, where different gastric processes occur, as well as various cell types are being produced. 

‘Those cells create substances including enzymes, acids and even hormones to instruct other parts of the digestive system how to “do their job”.

‘All of these components have to be working in the right way to ensure good digestion.’

With so many parts, it is no wonder that things can go wrong.

Digestion is a complex system and even small lifestyle, food and health changes can trigger gut problems. 

Here, a team of nutritionists reveal the seven deadly sins we do that can upset our tummy.


Overeating can have a detrimental effect on the digestive system, putting it under greater pressure.

Shona Wilkinson, a nutritionist at, explains: ‘Consistently overeating can tax the digestive system, which just cannot produce enough of the right substances – acid in the stomach, and enzymes throughout the digestive tract – to cope with the volume of food.

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‘Large portions that we cram into our stomach can also put more pressure on the muscle that keeps digested food in the right place.

‘When the pressure is too high, acids and goods can cause heartburn.’

Overeating can also slow down the digestive system, she said, causing many of the same symptoms.

Ms Wilkinson said: ‘If you can, try eating until you are only 80 per cent full and wait 20 minutes until you reach for more.’  

Consistently overeating can tax the digestive system, which just cannot produce enough of the right substances - acid in the stomach, and enzymes throughout the digestive tract - to cope with the volume of food

Consistently overeating can tax the digestive system, which just cannot produce enough of the right substances – acid in the stomach, and enzymes throughout the digestive tract – to cope with the volume of food


It may sound obvious, but not chewing properly can be one of the main causes of unpleasant symptoms, especially bloating.

The process of chewing is necessary, to break down food into smaller particles.

This boosts the surface area, giving the digestive juices more chance to attack.

‘If you don’t chew properly, the rest of the digestive process cannot take place as it should,’ said Ms Barns.

‘Problems such as acid reflux can occur, and excess fermentation lower in the digestive tract can cause bloating, flatulence and cramping.’

She advised chewing each mouthful of food at least 30 times, take smaller bites and put your knife and fork down between each bite.

‘Another great trick is to eat with your left hand – or right for those who are left handed – you simply won’t be able to do it quickly,’ Ms Barns added.  


Fibre is a vital component to any diet for a number of reasons, not least that it helps prevent constipation.

Soluble fibre – a type that dissolves in water to form a gel in the gut – is particularly beneficial, helping to soften and loosen the stools and encourage the natural movement of the digestive tract.

Furthermore, it can be broken down by ‘good bacteria’ to produce substances that nourish the gut walls. 

Leading nutritionist, Dr Marilyn Glenville said: ‘It can also act as a prebiotic, encouraging growth of the friendly bacteria.

Fibre is a vital component to any diet for a number of reasons, not least that it helps prevent constipation

Fibre is a vital component to any diet for a number of reasons, not least that it helps prevent constipation

‘Soluble fibre is found in many vegetables and fruits, oats, flaxseeds, beans and peas.’

However, eating too much fibre can also be harmful, especially for those people who suffer IBS-type symptoms.

‘Insoluble fibre can be found in wheat bran, whole grains, seeds and nuts, as well as the tough parts of vegetables and fruits – their skins,’ Ms Wilkinson explained. 

‘If you suffer from bloating and cramping, try limiting wheat bran (e.g. high-fibre wheat cereals), eating more ‘gentle’ grains such as brown rice and oats instead of wheat, and peeling or cooking vegetables and fruits. 

‘Soaking nuts and seeds in water for 12 hours can help them to be more easily digested.’


Stress can cause a myriad of health problems from headaches to high blood pressure.

But, anxiety can also play havoc with the gut, triggering digestive problems.

‘Neurotransmitters – chemicals that transmit nerve signals, such as serotonin – help to regulate and stimulate digestive processes,’ Ms Barns explained.

‘If we are feeling anxious, stressed or low, levels of the neurotransmitters are imbalanced causing unpleasant symptoms.

‘This can be a particular problem if you eat while feeling stressed or anxious. 

‘To reduce your stress levels, always take some time to relax before eating, eat slowly, and never on the run.’

Movement stimulates the digestive tract and helps to move food along it, encouraging healthy digestive transit. Good physical activity may therefore benefit those with constipation in particular

Movement stimulates the digestive tract and helps to move food along it, encouraging healthy digestive transit. Good physical activity may therefore benefit those with constipation in particular


Movement stimulates the digestive tract and helps to move food along it, encouraging healthy digestive transit. 

Good physical activity may therefore benefit those with constipation in particular, Dr Glenville notes. 

She said: ‘Exercise may also help with bloating and other IBS-type symptoms – perhaps mainly by relieving stress. 

‘For this reason, gentle and relaxing exercises such as Yoga and Pilates may be the most beneficial.’


Antibiotics are a highly effective and often life-saving tool in the fight against bacterial infections. 

However, they can also affect the population of good bacteria in the gut, especially when they are taken over a long period of time.

Ms Barns said: ‘Lower levels of friendly bacteria may lead to other issues that cause digestive problems, including inadequate lactase production – to break down lactose in milk – the wrong acid-alkaline balance in the gut and overgrowth of harmful bacteria and yeasts.

‘It can result in poor absorption of nutrients, bloating, cramping and diarrhoea or constipation.’

ProVen Probiotics nutritionist, Adrienne Benjamin advises taking a good-quality bacteria supplement, such as Pro-Ven Adult 25 Billion to try and balance your gut flora.

In addition she said it is important to include fermented foods in your daily diet.

‘Go for natural yoghurt, miso soup, sauerkraut, kimchi and kambucha,’ she added.

If you suffer with burning pain in the stomach a couple hours after a mean for a several days or weeks you might have peptic ulcers

If you suffer with burning pain in the stomach a couple hours after a mean for a several days or weeks you might have peptic ulcers


If you suffer with burning pain in the stomach a couple hours after a mean for a several days or weeks you might have peptic ulcers.

Ms Wilkinson explains: ‘This painful condition is caused by infection with H.pylori bacteria, that can be found in water or food. 

‘It makes our protective layer of stomach lining weaker and lets digestive acids get through. 

‘That eventually damages the lining and caused nausea, burping or vomiting.’

Eating might bring a short relieve but to treat ulcers completely you will have to be treated with antibiotics and acid-suppressing drugs.

‘Once you treated Ulcers you should be careful with alcohol, coffee, citrus drinks, spicy and smoked foods, as they can all increase stomach acid,’ said Ms Barns.

‘Strengthen the most important tissues of the gastrointestinal tract – the mucus lining can be very beneficial. 

‘Include healthy fats and whole grains as well as lean meats.

‘You can also go for a supplement, such as Nature’s Plus GI Natural Digestion Perfection, which combines prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes and supportive nutrients to heal and support mucosal lining.’