The Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss: Your 7-Day Guide

Forget elimination, deprivation, and midnight hunger pangs. The best diet plan for weight loss fuels your body with real, whole foods—loads of veggies, lean protein, whole carbs, and healthy fats—and enough flavor and variation to prevent boredom, says Women’s Health nutrition advisor Keri Glassman, R.D.

She recommends that her female clients who are trying to lose weight follow a meal plan that contains roughly 1,500 calories, 40 percent of them coming from whole, fiber-rich carbs, 30 percent from protein, and 30 percent from healthy fats. That balance is ideal for keeping energy levels up and helping you build lean muscle while squashing hunger and the cravings that come with it, she says.

As far as veggies go, she advises filling up on them (or downing more than one standard serving) at least twice a day. This keeps your body stoked with antioxidants and fiber, both of which reduce levels of inflammation in the body to encourage healthy fat loss.

This simple seven-day meal plan from Glassman will help you de-bloat, get energized, and start your weight-loss journey the right way. Plus, whatever your exact needs, you can tweak the plan and still meet your weight-loss goals.

Not into fish? Sub out seafood with other lean proteins, like chicken and turkey. Heavy exerciser? Try upping your veggie intake, ramping up your protein portions by a couple of ounces, and adding in an extra pre- or post-workout snack, says Glassman.

Try it out for just one week and you’ll be hooked on the results.