Why I Really Gained The ‘Freshman 15’

The other day, I met with an 18-year-old woman. Her mom sent her to me, hoping to instill some healthy habits before she heads off to college in the fall. At first, I was reluctant, because I usually work with busy, stressed adults who come to me of their own volition and are self-motivated to make life changes. I was skeptical, but since I too have a daughter heading to college, I clearly understood the issues and decided to try it.

My new client was adorable and friendly, and I instantly became enthusiastic about helping her navigate the unchartered and unhealthy waters of college life.

We started by discussing the food piece. She set goals around avoiding too many late-night Domino’s pizza-fests with friends and finding ways to add in some vegetables other than french fries.

We talked about alcohol and the temptation to party every night, and how that would affect just about everything, including her much-needed sleep.