I’m An Olympic Paratriathlete, And Sleep Training Is My Winning Secret

Working with a sleep expert from Sleep Number, I’ve learned the ins and outs of full mind-body recovery thanks to a sound night’s sleep. Deep sleep not only restores the spirit, but energizes the brain and body. Too little, and your ability to make split-second decisions is compromised. On ultra-intense training days, my body needs even more sleep than the average person’s does so I can fully recover from the day. My husband and I are lucky that our son is a great sleeper — once he is asleep, he typically doesn’t wake up for 10 to 11 hours, giving us plenty of time for our own restorative sleep. I’ve learned to limit caffeine (no midday latte for me), avoid bright lights before bedtime and ditch the devices at least an hour before I hit the sheets, all while trying to maintain the same sleep schedule every night.