I’m Proof That Kayla Itsines’ Workouts Can Turn Your Life Around

I started the Whole30 program in March 2016. During this elimination program, you remove added sugar, grains, dairy, and alcohol from your diet for 30 days. After that, you reintroduce them slowly so you can learn how certain foods affect your body. It taught me how to increase my vegetable intake and spruce up my salads for variety.

As a Filipino/Asian, I love white rice, but I had to learn how to limit my carb intake. I try to have grains twice a week and pair my protein with lots of salad. I used to eat a bowl of ice cream a day, but taking a break from that for the Whole30 program helped me control my sugar addiction.

Now that I’ve finished one round of Whole30, I try to incorporate what I’ve learned into my daily meals: more vegetables, and less added sugar, dairy, and grains. I’ve found that those last two foods trigger my migraines.