Kinky People are Psychologically Healthier

1405909Uh oh.

A recent study scores a win for serious naughtiness.

Practitioners of sexual sadism and masochism have been proven to be psychologically healthier than their vanilla counterparts.

According to the study published in the prestigious Journal of Sexual Medicine, BDSM practitioners were “less neurotic, more extroverted, more open to new experiences, more conscientious, less rejection sensitive, had higher subjective well-being, yet were less agreeable.”

BDSM practitioners “either did not differ from the general population and if they differed, they always differed in the more favorable direction,” concludes Andreas Wismeijer, coauthor of “Psychological Characteristics of BDSM Practitioners”, published in the prestigious Journal of Sexual Medicine, reports Live Science.

Of course, it could be that kinky-ness is not what makes these “practitioners” healthy. It could be that healthy people are more likely to make bold lifestyle choices and go against the grain of society. Therefore, these more independent folks showed well during this particular study.

At any rate, such results raise good questions about what it is to be a psychologically healthy adult. If you were truly in charge of your own life – as opposed to feeling like you must conform to external expectations – would you do anything differently?

Are you living a life of quiet desperation, fueled by your emotional slavery to what everyone else wants for you?

If so, you are practicing your own style of bondage. I know this much, and I am not even a BDSM-er.



And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 12 Jun 2013