Local sparsity enhanced compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging in uniform discrete curvelet domain

Compressed sensing MRI prior art

In CS MRI, denotes the vector form of the 2D MR image to be reconstructed and y=Fux denotes the sensing procedure in k-space, where means undersampled Fourier Encoding matrix and represents k-space measurements. Assume ? represents an analytical sparse transform operator or the inverse of a set of signals
learnt from image patches, the sparse representation is defined as ? =? x. Reconstructing the unknown MR image x from measurements y by using CS is to solve the constrained CS MRI optimization problem (3)


where represents the allowed noise vector in reconstructed image, l1
regularization enforces sparsity of ? x and error constraint fits the reconstruction to the sampled k-space measurements. Finite difference referred to as TV is typically added into (3) for noise reduction and spatial homogeneity enhancement. Then the formulation is


where ?0 denotes the weight of TV regularization. This becomes problem formulation settled
by classical LDP when ? represents DWT. Besides, most state-of-the-art AL based reconstruction methods consider
one unconstrained problem rather than (4), such as TVCMRI, FCSA, iterative thresholding CS MRI based on SFLCT and SALSA 50], etc


Additionally, reconstruction based on explicit DL from image patches has been explored


(6) is the formulation settled by DLMRI integrating DL with image reconstruction simultaneously
(refer to 35]), where matrix is an operator that extracts maximum overlapped patch xij
as a column vector from x, denoted as xij
=Rijx. represents a diagonal matrix, in which the diagonal elements correspond to pixel
locations of x. ? is sparse representation set {?ij
of all training patches of image. T0
denotes sparse threshold and D the explicit dictionary. Here DL problem is depicted in detail as a foundation of
the proposed sparsity structure. The DL problem is


Formulation (7) is nonconvex and NP-hard 51], 52] because it comes down to sparse encoding problem for fixed D and x. K-SVD 53], 54] is a simple but efficient approach to attack (7). It simultaneously implements dictionary update step where each atom of D renews sequentially and corresponding sparse encoding for image patches that currently
use it. The dictionary atom update involves computing K singular value decompositions(SVDs), once for each atom.

Proposed method

In this section, a composite regularization CS MRI method established on a novel composite
sparsity structure is presented. In the sparsity structure, UDCT decomposes spatial
image into one lowpass sub-band and several highpass sub-bands. Patch-based dictionary
is learnt from the lowpass sub-band coefficients patches via Sparse K-SVD 25]. Then a novel composite regularization reconstruction model is thereby established
and solved via VS and ADMM-2. The reconstruction model involves spatial image and
transform coefficients regularization and k-space data fitting. The framework in Fig. 1 shows clearly the implementation process of the proposed method, in which the unknown
MR image x is initialized with a zero-filling reconstructed image via direct inverse Fourier
transform to k-space measurements, denoted as . UDCT decomposes both the real and imaginary parts of x0
into S levels, each level possessing 2? s
directional sub-bands. The real and imaginary parts of complex-valued MR image are
handled separately because UDCT can only perfectly deal with real-valued data. Take
the real part of zero-filling reconstructed image for example, the lowpass UDCT sub-band
is divided into maximum overlapped patches (for dividing method, refer to 35]) as training database for DL to enhance its sparsity. The obtained dictionary Dr
(r=1(0) denotes result over real (imaginary) part) is the result of Sparse K-SVD to
the training database. The sparse encodings set are referred to as the double sparse
coefficients for all training lowpass UDCT sub-band patches over learnt Dr
. For imaginary part, the same procedure is implemented. Let x0
be the initial intermediate image and (Dr
the pseudo-inverse of Dr
. The reconstruction step starts afterwards. All nonoverlapping vector form patches
(×1 sized) are arrayed to produce a matrix from lowpass UDCT sub-band of intermediate
image. Results of (Dr
multiplying with the above matrix are the representation coefficients (differing from double sparse coefficients) of lowpass UDCT sub-band coefficients
over the dictionary. They are generally not sparse but easier to handle in our reconstruction
approach. The composite regularization reconstruction formulation is solved by using
VS and ADMM-2 based on C-SALSA thoughts in an iterative procedure (an updated intermediate
image for once iteration), which involves modifying the representation coefficients,
UDCT sub-bands coefficients and k-space measurements. The proposed method is named as local sparsity enhanced CS MRI(LSECSMRI).
Formulations and implementations of the proposed sparsity structure and relevant reconstruction
model are described in detail in the following content.

Fig. 1. Framework of local sparsity enhanced CS MRI reconstruction

Composite sparsity structure

To the best of our knowledge, DWT is not applicable for 2D image sparse representation
55], 56] because of its very limited directions and incapacity to capture geometric regularity
along singularities of surfaces. Multi-scale geometric analysis(MGA) methods like
contourlet transform 56], nonsubsampled contourlet transform(NSCT) 57], SFLCT, FDCT and DST, etc, conquer the defects of DWT. Contourlet transform lacks
shift-invariance though, which causes pseudo-Gibbs phenomena around singularities.
The resulting contourlets cannot ensure good frequency localization and exhibit some
fuzzy artifacts inevitably with a low redundancy of 4/3. NSCT is overcompletely designed
with better frequency selectivity, regularity and fully shift-invariance. But it possesses
very high redundancy and large time consumption. SFLCT is a semi-redundant contourlet
transform providing flexible redundancy. It only increases redundancy in the lowpass
filter l0
(?) to reduce pseudo-Gibbs phenomena, which are mainly induced by down-sample in the
lowpass filter. The redundancy can be 2.33 if we don’t down sample l0
(?) and 1.33 if we down sample it by setting ?(d,d)=?(2,2), where d is the down-sample parameter that determines the redundancy of contourlet. But SFLCT
performs negatively in capturing clear directional features. Similarly, DST provides
low redundancy less than or equal to 2. The needle-shaped elements of FDCT allow very
high directional sensitivity and anisotropy and are thus very efficient in representing
line-like edges. Nevertheless, FDCT possesses too high redundancy, which makes it
sub-optimal in sparse representation, either.

UDCT 46] is recently proposed as an innovative implementation of discrete curvelet transform
disposing real-valued signals. Utilizing the ideas of FFT-based discrete curvelet
transform and filter-bank based contourlet transform, UDCT is designed as a perfect
multi-resolution reconstruction filter bank(FB) and executed by FFT algorithm, possessing
advantages of the both. The discrete curvelet functions in UDCT are defined by a parameterized
family of smooth windowed functions that satisfy two conditions: 1) 2? periodic; 2) their squares form a partition of unity and the centers of the curvelet
functions at each resolution are positioned on a uniform lattice. Moreover, the lattices
of lower scales are subset of those at higher scales, guaranteeing clear parent-children
relationship. UDCT can provide flexible instead of fixed number of clear directions
at each scale to capture various directional geometrical structures of image accurately.
Besides, the forward and inverse transform form a tight and self-dual frame with an
acceptable redundancy of 4, allowing the input real-valued images to be perfectly
reconstructed. In terms of the implementation of UDCT, once all the curvelet windows
are computed, the actual forward and inverse UDCT computations are straightforward.
UDCT has asymptotic approximation properties: for image x with C2
(C is a constant) singularities, the best N-term approximation xN
(N is the number of most important coefficients allowing reconstruction) in the curvelet
expansion is given by 12], 55], 58]


This property is known as the optimal sparsity. Therefore, UDCT is considered as the
optimal predefined sparse method and is introduced into CS MRI in this paper.

UDCT belongs to predefined sparse priors, which implies that it lacks adaptivity.
Explicit dictionary representations in spatial domain gain a higher degree of freedom
in the training but sacrifice efficiency of the result. Besides, this kind of explicit
dictionary cannot describe hierarchical structures. Incorporating the advantages of
UDCT with DL and compensating for the defects of each other, an efficient composite
sparsity structure is proposed for local sparsity enhancement. This structure learns
adaptive dictionary over lowpass UDCT sub-band coefficients patches. For real (imaginary)
part of image x, the DL problem is deduced as


In (9), ? represents UDCT operator. xr
denotes real (imaginary) part if r=1(0) and the subscript l denotes lowpass sub-band. The resulting Dr
is thus dictionary for real (imaginary) part. ?r
is double sparse representation set of {?ij
. The proposed composite sparsity structure has some advantages. Compared with predefined
sparse priors, it provides adaptivity and sparser representations for lowpass sub-band
coefficients according to the different structural features of lowpass and highpass
UDCT sub-bands coefficients. Compared with explicit dictionary, it allows hierarchical
sparsity (depending mostly on UDCT) and reduces overfitting and instability in handling
noise. Contrast with double sparsity model, it reduces the amount of calculations
for not training dictionaries over highpass UDCT sub-bands, which are generally sparse
enough. Therefore, the proposed sparse method can fine fit and hierarchically sparsify
MR images with important characteristics preserved and avoid wasting time, making
a big difference for improved MR image reconstruction performance. In Fig. 2, an example of dictionary trained by using Sparse K-SVD according to the proposed
sparsity structure is exhibited. The used image is complex-valued T2-weighted brain
image of slice 27 (MR T2wBrain_slice_27 of 256×256 sized). It is acquired from a healthy
volunteer at a 3T Siemens Trio Tim MRI scanner, using the T2-weighted turbo spin echo
sequence (T R/T E=6100/99 ms, 220×220 mm field of view, 3 mm slice thickness) 37]. The training maximum overlapped patches are 8×8 sized and obtained from lowpass
UDCT sub-band coefficients after S=1 level’s UDCT decomposition for real part of MR T2wBrain_slice_27. One can see that
the resulting dictionary is a highly structured matrix, implying several favorable

Fig. 2. Dictionary training. (a) MR T2wBrain_slice_27, (b) real part lowpass UDCT sub-band coefficients for DL, (c) initial dictionary from 8×8 sized coefficient patches and (d) trained dictionary of 64×100. Dictionary atoms are represented using 2 coefficients

Compressed sensing MRI reconstruction

The proposed reconstruction model and involved reconstruction procedure are demonstrated
in this section. It has been proved that composite regularization performs better
than either spatial image TV regularization or sparse coefficients l1
regularization in reconstruction 5], 21], 33]. Besides, the lowpass UDCT sub-band ?l
is the rough approximation of spatial image to be reconstructed and contains large
amounts of information, which indicates that TV regularization on lowpass UDCT sub-band
coefficients may further improve edge details and suppress noise, promoting the reconstruction
quality. According to the different structural features of spatial image, lowpass
sub-band ?l
and highpass sub-bands ?h
, a new composite regularization reconstruction model is thereby proposed to handle
various regularization efficiently in this paper. The reconstruction model can be
denoted as


where is proportional to the noise standard deviation and controls the allowed noise level.
The subscript h means highpass UDCT sub-bands coefficients. Spatial image TV regularization T V(??1? ) and lowpass UDCT sub-band coefficients TV regularization regularize image without smoothing the boundaries, guaranteeing clear edge details
in the reconstructed result. UDCT sub-bands coefficients l1
regularization realizes sparsity and automatic selection of the most important characteristics.
Undersampled k-space data fidelity term makes the reconstruction fitting the measurements. This
reconstruction model is effective for embedding efficient composite regularization
according to the different structural features of spatial image, lowpass and highpass
UDCT sub-bands coefficients. Since TV regularization is capable of maintaining the
boundaries of the objects, the reconstructed edge details can be further strengthened
by two level of TV regularization. Besides, integrating modification into lowpass UDCT sub-band coefficients TV and l1
regularization can guarantee the accuracy of updated , reduce the complexity of the reconstruction model and overfitting significantly.

Basic thought to settle this reconstruction model is based on C-SALSA. And it is slightly
different from C-SALSA because the designed composite regularization contains more
than one regularization terms. Since parameter ? is clearly defined and easy to set, the previous AL based methods ignore it and introduce
other regularization parameters ?1(2)
. They are thus inefficient 47], such as TVCMRI, FCSA and SALSA, etc. While in the proposed method, the constrained
problem (10) is equivalent to an unconstrained one with a discontinuous objective based on the
thoughts of C-SALSA


where ?1
measures the weight of TV and l1
regularization, ?2
measures the weight of k-space data fidelity and E(?,I,y)
is simply a closed ? -radius Euclidean ball centered at y. As is shown, (11) can be treated as a special case of E q.30 in 47] by defining . It has the form of E q.13 in 47] with J=5 number of functions. These functions in (11) are closed, proper and convex (for details, refer to 47]). Minimization problem (11) is allowed to be decoupled into 5 independent and resoluble ones by a particular
mapping way. These 5 independent subproblems include spatial image TV regularization
T V(??1? ), lowpass UDCT coefficients TV regularization , UDCT sub-bands coefficients l1
regularization and ??h
and k-space data fidelity . Since all the functions in (11) are closed, proper, convex and [I ? Fu
has full column rank (? itself is a full column rank matrix), convergence of ADMM-2 involving problem (11) is guaranteed according to Theorem1 (Eckstein-Bertsekas, 59]). The solution of (11) is enforced to approach that of (10) via slowly taking ?1(2)
to very large values by multiplying with a continuous factor ? (a continuation process with initial values as ?10
, ?20
and ?1). Introducing ADMM-2 to this particular case requires the definition of the Moreau
proximal maps associated with l1
regularization, TV regularization and . Since the input of regularizer can be spatial image, UDCT sub-bands coefficients
and representation coefficients, ? is introduced to represent the input of regularization uniformly. The Moreau proximal
map function of regularization is denoted as


where is the result of mapping to ? according to the mapping relation . A simple soft threshold method solves the l1
regularization relevant to ??h
and . The available fast Chambolle’s algorithm 60] handles TV regularization efficiently. Define ? =Fux via VS technique, then the Moreau proximal map of is simply the orthogonal projection of ? on the closed ? -radius ball centered at y, which can be attacked by


In ADMM-2, error minimization with respect to ? aims at fitting measurements of k-space. Regularization terms with respect to spatial image, ?h
and avoid overfitting. The fidelity and regularization terms optimization are implemented
alternatively. is modified from the weighted average between results of and . Then lowpass UDCT sub-band coefficients are obtained as the weighted average between
results of T V(??1? ) and . The modified highpass UDCT sub-bands coefficients are obtained as the weighted average
between results of T V(??1? ) and ??h
. Then image in spatial domain is acquired as the result of inverse UDCT to UDCT coefficients.
The subproblem with respect to E(? ,I,y) can be solved via (13) efficiently. The ultimate reconstructed image xi
(i as counter of iterations for ADMM-2) is the result of the reweighted average between
the above spatial domain image through regularization penalty and result of (13) for once iteration. Such process reduces reconstruction error and brings about a
high-quality reconstructed image efficiently. The flowchart for LSECSMRI reconstruction
in Fig. 3 exhibits clearly the reconstruction process based on the proposed sparsity structure.

Fig. 3. Flowchart for LSECSMRI reconstruction

Summary of LSECSMRI

In LSECSMRI procedure, ? is uniform discrete curvelet decomposition operator of S levels (s=1,2,…,S) with 2? s
directions for each level, performing on real and imaginary parts of complex-valued
MR data, respectively. The obtained UDCT sub-bands coefficients, representation coefficients
of lowpass UDCT sub-band coefficients over Dr
and measurements y are sent into the composite regularization reconstruction model for MR image reconstruction.
The proposed reconstruction method has some advantages as follows. Firstly, the reconstruction
method handles the lowpass sub-band and highpass directional sub-bands coefficients
regularization separately with different regularization methods, allowing effective
reconstruction. Besides, adding the indicator function of ? into the objective makes the resulting problem equivalent to the original problem
(10) based on the thoughts of C-SALSA. The resulting problem can be decoupled into several
subproblems, which are easy to solve with fast convergent algorithms. Additionally,
is modified by using the result of TV and l1
regularization on lowpass UDCT sub-band coefficients, which reduces the computational
complexity and overfitting significantly. Hence, the proposed reconstruction approach
provides accurate solution along with rapid convergence speed. Superiorities of LSECSMRI
are confirmed experimentally later.