
2013-06-13 20.49.40Greetings from downtown Miami!:) i am in Miami w/Hubby and Kids at the 2013 DBSA Conference.

About the DBSA:

“The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is the leading peer-directed national organization focusing on the two most prevalent mental health conditions, depression and bipolar disorder. DBSA provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders through peer-based, wellness-oriented, empowering services and resources available when people need them, where they need them, and how they need to receive them–online 24/7, in local support groups, in audio and video casts, or in printed materials distributed by DBSA.”

“DBSA’s nearly 300 local chapters offer more than 700 support groups providing peer support to an estimated 50,000 individuals. DBSA reaches millions of people each year in-person and online peer support; current, readily understandable information about depression and bipolar disorder; and empowering tools focused on an integrated approach to wellness.” ~Conference Program…You can check out their website: www.DBSAlliance.org

The Keynote presenters this year: Victoria Maxwell, Patrick J. Kennedy, Priscilla Ridgway, Melody Moezzi. Out of the keynote presenters…Thus far, i’ve met: Priscilla Ridgway and she is very pleasant! Our girls enjoyed drawing her caricature. While the kids have been drawing various attendees/participants, i’ve been enjoying enriching conversations with them and am THANKFUL!…the kids will be drawing again Sunday (wonder who else i may meet??)

It’s cool being back in the city…absolutely loving the panoramic view from the 17th floor! Our room is mostly walls of ceiling to floor glass. This must be what life is like in a glass house. Total transparency and reflection (been living that already, eh?!:)

My new-found hobby aka…All i feel like doing is pressing my nose against the glass checking out the elevated view! i need height– far above it all. Florida is too flat for me.. missing the mountains very much! (This window view is as close as i’m going get for now…and am privileged and THANKFUL for this time with my family here!

“HIGH in the alpine mountains of Europe, you can find growing a sturdy bush called the alpine rose. This dwarf rhododendron often grows in dense low thickets huddled against the ground for protection against the harsh upland winds. The unrelenting wind threatens the existence of the alpine plants by lowering their temperature, drying the air and the soil, and pulling at their roots.”
“The alpine rose often escapes the ravages of the wind by growing in crevices among the rocks. Although the soil at these sites may not be plentiful, the rocky fissures provide protection against the wind and enable the plant to conserve water. Practically hidden from view for much of the year, in the summer these rhododendrons decorate their mountain refuge with bright red flowers.” ~article excerpt Hiding Place from the Wind {don’t we all need a hiding place from the wind of this life?? Hope You have such a place!:)}

So, while thoroughly enJOYing every second of this elevation and distance looking….Got me thinking about perspective, height, view/vantage point(s)…and a sense of where one is,  GPS..looking out the window…i know precisely where i am in relation to the world/motion surrounding me here…this height makes me feel safe!…up above it all..watching the world drive/pass by with all the flickering city and traffic lights surrounding me…surround sight…surround height…eye to eye with clouds…(AWESOME! and then some). At one point in my life…never would of imagined, i would come to appreciate city traffic in some way!…when you’re far removed from something, then it’s suddenly thrust upon you once again…you view it differently.

Anyway, the night illuminations beautifully accentuate Miami architecture.

Chato and the kids are very busy meeting attendees and (the girls) are having fun drawing caricatures. Me…Here in a supportive role and have been enjoying various enriching conversations!

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THANKS to: Chato for my badge and bringing us with You here!… THANKS Tracy (Green Tea Therapy TV with Joan Winifred) for my ‘bold’  artistic nails. THANKS kids for helping Mama learn to relax a little. THANKS to all the DBSA Folks for being so kind to us. THANKS for the Staff at the Miami Hilton…Excellent service.

Do You like architecture?! Do You like art deco? Pretty Cool!:)…

“Miami Beach’s Art Deco District is the first 20th-century neighborhood to be recognized by the National Register of Historic Places, with 800 structures of historical significance, most built between 1923 and 1943. The fanciful pastel buildings, with porthole windows, ship-like railings, sleek curves, glass blocks, shiny chrome, and gleaming terrazzo floors are prime eye candy.” ~National Geographic Traveler

Out of the cities i know–other than my home town…my short list aka some favorite places thus far in life: Boston, NY, Paris, Vienna, Luxembourg, Sarasota, Punta Gorda and You guessed it: Miami!

Do You have a favorite city? What do You appreciate about this place? How do You contribute to city wellness by Your personal compassion choices? THANK YOU for contributing to your local compassion!

Check out this photo: the elevated view is too cool for my lack of vocabulary to express.  Reaction: i stand silent (yes, you did read correctly;) and still…

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Could get very used to this. i LOVE nature don’t get me wrong..but been away from the hustle and bustle, excitement, convenience/culture of city living for a long while now.  My dream vacation is where i am now…at this moment…on my bed with my laptop and book…with a cityscape in front of me high up in the clouds.  The moon was incredible last night and the sunset over the many buildings…will miss the sky viewing here. My head/thinking is always in the clouds…pretty sure that will not change once we return to the Gulf coast.:)

Hubby snapped the following (and thinks it’s cool)…

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We (My kids and i) like this song reminds (me) of the conference theme: “Stronger Together”…

VERY THANKFUL for those in our life who have provided shelter from the wind…(shelter can be literal or spiritual)!

We can, as Breathing-Fragile-Life, provide some sort of shelter for each other, right?…(kindly help one another when needed)! When we choose compassion…this is the sort of friend we become:

“There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother.” (Prov. 18:24)

Happy Week-end and HOPE You find a mountain-like refuge  or a clean window!:)



And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 15 Jun 2013