Monthly Meditation: Fools Whether We Dance Or Not

This post is part of Your Body, Your Mind’s “Monthly Meditation” series, designed to provide readers with an idea or thought to meditate on during the month.

Happy April Fool’s Day!

It’s likely that someone, somewhere, is going to try to make you feel like a fool today.

That’s what April Fool’s Day is all about, after all.

However, it’s (usually) all in good fun. They play a prank or tell a fib and laugh and laugh after admitting the truth.

If they’re lucky, sometimes you laugh, too

Yet, for many of us, we don’t need April Fool’s Day jokes to feel like fools. Actually, we don’t need anything other than new or everyday activities — or even the thought of new or everyday activities — to make us feel like fools.

Running in public at the park. Trying a new yoga class by yourself.

Even walking into a crowded store.

There are so many things that make so many of us feel like fools even thinking about, much less actually trying.

However, like this proverb points out, we’re all “fools” in some way, and by that I mean not one of us is perfect. Not one of us is flawless. We’re all humans just trying to make our way on earth, trying new things, seeing what interests us, building lives for ourselves and our loved ones.

In other words, dancing.

So, if we’re going to be fools either way, we might as well enjoy the dance, too, right?

Miss last month’s Monthly Meditation? Head over to Monthly Meditation: Spring as a Time of Transition.



And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 23 Mar 2014