New guide offers employers online and interactive toolkit to help support employees with cancer

A new guide developed by The National Business Group on HealthSM and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network® offers employers an online and interactive toolkit to help address the growing impact of cancer in the workplace.

“There are more cancer survivors in the workplace than ever before,” said Robert (Jake) Jacob, director of Health and Productivity at Unum, and a member of the advisory committee for this initiative. “There is a growing need for employers and benefit managers to have a comprehensive approach in supporting employees as they deal with cancer treatment and recovery, and this guide provides that.”

An Employer’s Guide to Cancer Treatment and Prevention is the first of its kind in the industry.

Cancer is a leading cause of disability claims for Unum each year. As a member of Unum’s Health and Productivity team, Jacob works closely with employers whose employees return to work after cancer treatment.

“Unum has done extensive research on the impact of cancer survivorship on employers,” said Jacob. “We have the knowledge and expertise to help employers support their workers through diagnosis and treatment, and help those employees return successfully to the workplace.”

Jacob’s recommendations for the guide focused on three key initiatives: