Emma Watson Uses Oil On Her Pubic Hair—Here’s Why

Here are some more unconventional beauty trends you totally didn’t know were a thing:

Using an all-purpose beauty oil on your hair, your face, and your bod isn’t exactly crazy. But greasing up your pubic zone is a definitely less common. However, according to Sejal Shah, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in New York, there might be some lady bit benefits beyond just boosting hydration—like reducing ingrowns. “Oils that have anti-inflammatory properties can reduce irritation, oils with antimicrobial properties can reduce bacterial growth, and some oils can even increase cell turnover,” she says. “These types of oils can be great for people who are predisposed to ingrown hair or folliculitis.” One prime example of an oil you can slather all over: tea tree oil. Shah also likes jojoba, grapeseed, and Argan oils. (The oil Emma uses has a blend of grapeseed, jojoba, tea tree, and clary sage seed oils.)

RELATED: 6 Pubic Hair Myths It’s Time You Stopped Believing

But before you decide to slick up your lady bits, exercise caution, she adds. “The skin of the pubic area may be more sensitive than other areas of the body, so anytime you are applying products to the area, especially new ones, you should be careful not to use any ingredients that may be irritating or harsh to the area, such as artificial fragrances and dyes, parabens, and pthalates,” she says. “If the skin becomes red, irritated, itchy, or dry—or if you feel burning, stinging, or any discomfort, you may be having an adverse reaction,” she adds. It’s probably best to spot test a small area before you lather up a large area of skin if you’re worried about an adverse reaction. “Also, make sure you are only applying the product to the external areas and not in or around the vagina,” Shah says.

Naturally, Watson’s entire beauty routine is pretty eco-chic—something you should definitely stick to when you’re putting products of any kind near your vagina. (Like this organic personal lubricant that we love.) Avoid the above-mentioned harsh ingredients when picking out a product for usage in that area. The simpler the better, and you’ll be enjoying a well-pampered vagine.