The 5-Move Workout Your Legs Will Love to Hate

One of the fastest ways to make your legs look long, lean, and super sexy is to throw on a pair of killer heels. They automatically shorten your calf muscles, making them pop. Whenever a client asks me what she can do to make her calves look better, that’s the first thing I suggest—with a wink and a smile, of course. 

In reality, making your lower legs look fantastic does require a bit more than that. In fact, this often-overlooked muscle group is incredibly important for foot function, ankle stability, and many of your daily movements. Strong calves play a critical role in plantar flexion (pointing your toes), and therefore are involved in walking, running, and of course, wearing high heels. 

Perform a few simple exercises twice per week and you will improve the strength, function, and appearance of your calves, giving you a strong foundation to avoid injuries. Let’s be real: The more frequently you wear heels, the more likely you are to turn an ankle and take a spill. Add this workout to your existing routine, and in just a few weeks, you’ll see some really nice benefits.

workout wednesday calves

The Workout: 

Complete the five moves below in order with 30 seconds rest in between each exercise. Do one set of each move for the first week, two sets of each move the second week, and three sets of each move the third week and beyond. Complete 15 to 20 reps for each move. After week three, you can add additional weight (three- to five-pound dumbbells) if the moves start to feel easy. (Get tons of routines that’ll help you squeeze in quickie workouts with Women’s Health 20-Minute Workouts DVD!)

The Moves: