The Piece of Gym Equipment You’re Not Using, but Really Should Be

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Powering the machine yourself is also a huge motivator to stay strong through a workout, says Holland. If the bike is offering little-to-no resistance, you’re slacking. But if it feels like you’re trying to pedal through quicksand, well, go on and pat yourself on the back because you’re killin it. (Want to get in shape, fast? Check out Women’s Health’s Ignite routine created by Next Fitness Star Nikki Metzger.)

As if that weren’t enough, airdyne bikes are also extremely versatile, and Holland loves fitting in a ride when he’s pressed for time or looking to sweat out some stress. “All major muscle groups—your chest, back, biceps, triceps, glutes, hamstrings, quads and core—can be targeted,” says Holland. You’re on a bike, so of course your lower bod takes a hit, but Holland notes that your upper body is called on with the multi-grip handlebars, and you use your core to maintain power and speed as you pedal and push.

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As for what type of workout you can do on the bike, well, Holland likes to decide based on his mood. “When I have extra time and want a longer workout, steady-state cardio is a great option,” he says. “But other times, I want to combine short bursts of all-out effort followed by brief recovery.” Bonus: Some bikes, like the Schwinn Airdyne Pro (which Holland says are popping up in more CrossFit-centric facilities), have preset interval programs that have you working to the max for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest, then repeat. Consider it an easy way to blast through a workout, no thought required.

So next time you think you just can’t row another stroke, consider this a suitable, sweaty alternative. “Regardless of your skill level, you’re going to get a low-impact, total-body workout that maximizes caloric burn,” says Holland. And we’ll never say no to that.