Ways Music and the Senses Encourage Meditation

I have been meditating for the past 40+ years. This has led me on a journey to share the awareness of this relaxing and balancing practice with everyone I meet. When I first began meditating, it was with the intention to be calm and clear. Getting down to the brass tacks of being calm and clear are not easy when you’re a teenager, let alone when you’re not. I didn’t have an inkling as to how to keep myself from sitting still long enough to experience the quietude and insight my spiritual teachers had told me about.

Often, I found that many people were not sure how to experience meditation. The most common complaint was not being able to sit still long enough to be mindful. If you are one of these people, you are not alone. In fact, you are probably in the majority, though I’m hoping that after this blog is read, more people will join in the joy of finding peace via meditation.

Music — Using music will help create the ambiance for beginners. Be sure to use music that is more instrumental so that the words do not distract you from your intention to go within.

Sounds — Listening to the birds, the weather, street sounds, bells, crystal bowls, or even the vibration of your own heartbeat, will help you maintain the rhythmic breathing necessary to establish routine.

Spoken Word — This is mostly a guided meditation wherein a facilitator will lead you through the steps to teach you to breathe and open you to the understanding of how to get started.

Imagery — Pictures and colors will allow your mind to experience a wide range of gentle emotions. Meditate on colors that you have an affinity for and they will encourage positive energy.

Touch — Some people like to hold something, like the energy of a crystal, shell, stone or special icon. These objects can establish feelings of well being that connect us to the meditation practice and remind us of how good we felt in doing so.

Scent — When you add specific scents of essential oils and incense to your environment, you level the emotional element of your experience as you open to what the oils remind you of. Rose, lavender and vanilla are good for raising morale and helping with mood swings.

It’s important to keep in mind that nothing is etched in stone and you always have the power to choose what type of meditation to use simply by measuring what is comfortable to you. Feel free to experiment with music, sound, touch and scent, and be sure to take notes to follow your progress. After a short time of steady meditation of at least 10-15 minutes a day you will feel relaxed and focused.