No Two Alike! ADHD Is Still A Spectrum


No two alike.

No two alike.

“Viva L’ Difference” was a catch phrase in the liberated sixties and seventies. It was a reference to the fact that there were two genders, and more pointedly, to the feeling that “thank gawd that was the case.”

But there has always been an assumption that the world is so rich because no two humans are alike. And thankfulness for that is also assumed.

And yet, while it is assumed that these differences are good, it is also understood that some of the differences are flaws.

Sadly, the idea that a difference is a flaw is what leads to devaluing people, that thing we refer to as stigmatization. Let’s leave that for now, shall we, you all know how I feel about that, and it may be assumed that I will not let that matter go unaddressed for long.

My kind of focus

Today my view is of the differences among people, and adjusting the zoom and focus a little, my view is on the differences between people with ADHD.

It’s rare that a person with ADHD can be so far removed from the group that they don’t understand their sister’s or brother’s plight. Maybe not every single issue, but usually many of them.

Like I said, no two alike …

But it is never the case that two people with ADHD have exactly the same set of symptoms to the exact same degree.

And here is the thing that makes us a rich and dynamic group of people. We compliment each other, very well. Many of us are clutterers, a few are fastidious and uber-organized. Many of us are distracted by things that are shiny, a few of us are distracted by the thing in front of us that they are working on. Some of us are hyper, some of us aren’t. Many of us are creative, some, not so much.

How are we alike?

The thing we all have in common, is that ADHD has impacted our lives in a negative way.

I got thinking the other day that if we were to lean on each other, and stop listening to how we can’t do this or that as individuals, we’d really be part of an amazing and dynamic group. Sadly, we’d have to already be that group, to organize the group. Negative circular logic.

No you start the group, I’ll join …

Any groups that suggest that they may have this dynamic already is charging a membership fee.

So how do we make this into an advantage? Beats me, I’m just one, just me all by myself, I’m just one of us.

And I already know better than to try to organize us. If you’re counting on me for that I’m apologizing in advance for that, ’cause it ain’t gonna happen.

But if you’re going to start the group, let me know. I would like to join.

So long as there’s no fee …



And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 13 Jun 2013