Notice Synchronicity to Increase Consciousness

The fish tree goalWhen I was in graduate school, I had a dream that my client did not show up for his appointment and woke up with a start. Even though it was 3 a.m., I called my work voicemail. Five minutes earlier, this client had left a suicidal message. No ringer, no pager, no outwardly way I would have known. You can imagine his surprise when I called him back. He asked if I was psychic and I told him I attributed the awareness to our connection. I was able to get him the help he needed.

Synchronicity is defined by Carl Jung as a coincidence of concurrent physical and psychic events that defy the probability of chance and are meaningful to the observer. I have had hundreds of these experiences. For example:

  • I used to wake up a few minutes before my babies would cry for their night feedings. I felt it was nature’s way of giving me some time to wake up so I would be ready to care for them.
  • In the middle of my 7th grade Spanish class, I suddenly gasped and looked at the clock saying it was possible my older sister was having her baby (weeks before her due date.) When I got home after school, my mother told me my sister’s water broke at that exact time I had looked at the clock, and that my niece had been born.
  • Very often, clients share seemingly random experiences or information that ends up being critical in helping me aid another client. One client mentioned a time that he had extreme vertigo and went through countless scary and expensive medical tests before they realized it was just an extreme response to a sinus infection. My next client was panicking, fearing she had a brain tumor from relentless dizziness and vertigo and I told her to get tested for a sinus infection—which is all it was, saving her additional angst and grief.
  • The day after my husband and I were discussing possible baby names, a client (who I had seen for years) happened to mention that her mother’s name was Celeste, one of our favorites on the list.  I felt this was a sign and was covered with chills from head to toe.
  • A woman at a cocktail party recently said one sentence that made me realize why the book proposal I’ve been working on for two years hasn’t lead to a deal. I now know exactly what I need to do to make it fly.

My mentor would probably explain these events as being attributed to the power of the unconscious, as well as our shared or collective unconscious. My deeply religious sister would attribute the events to God’s work. I tend to morph these views and see synchronistic events as psycho-spiritual messages from the life force that connects all living things across time and space.  For some, that is God.  For others, that may be the universe, nature, the flow of life, etc.

Take notice of synchronicity. We are all interconnected. People come into our lives for a reason. There are no accidents. Look with a third eye and observe related messages that keep being presented to you. Understand you are part of a much greater system. Give thanks for those events that lead you to the a-ha moments. Move forward in your evolution of consciousness.

How have you experienced synchronicity?

Image: Creative Commons License HyperBob via Compfight

Twitter: @Joyce_Marter and @Urban_Balance

Facebook:  Joyce Marter, LCPC and Urban Balance

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And they are apparently too stupid to realize how easy it is to ensure they are called out for their bad behavior.



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    Last reviewed: 27 Jul 2013