Olympic athletes live a few years longer than most, investigate finds

A new retrospective investigate has found that Olympic athletes live longer than a normal race – though usually 2.8 years longer, Medpage Today reported.

Researchers from a University of Melbourne in Australia analyzed annals from a OlyMADMen consortium of Olympic historians, looking during information from 15,174 Olympic athletes from 9 opposite countries who had won medals between 1896 and 2010.  They compared a information from a athletes to cohorts from a ubiquitous population.

Overall, medalists from 8 of a 9 countries had a improved presence advantage than control subjects, regardless of either or not a athletes won a gold, china or bronze medal.  However, Olympic athletes who medaled in continuation and churned sports – such as soccer and using – had an even larger presence advantage compared to a control subjects.

The researchers hypothesized that a presence advantage might be explained by genetic factors and a earthy and health lifestyle.  They also cautioned that training and earthy acitivity might usually make adult a tiny apportionment of athletes’ lives, as they might have aloft rates of smoking, heart illness and other problems when they go into retirement.

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