How to screen risks of using cannabis products by older adults


How to screen risks of using cannabis products by older adults

According to recent studies, one in eight older adults are using cannabis products for various reasons. This growing trend highlights the need for healthcare professionals to screen for potential risks associated with cannabis use in this age group.

The rise of cannabis use among older adults

Gone are the days when cannabis was primarily associated with younger generations. As societal attitudes towards cannabis continue to evolve, more and more older adults are turning to cannabis products for medicinal and recreational purposes.

Research shows that older adults are using cannabis to alleviate symptoms of chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, and other age-related conditions. Additionally, some older adults are using cannabis recreationally, seeking the euphoric effects it can provide.

The importance of screening for risks

While cannabis may offer potential benefits for older adults, it is crucial to recognize that it is not without risks. Older adults may be more susceptible to adverse effects due to age-related changes in metabolism and increased vulnerability to drug interactions.

Healthcare professionals should prioritize screening older adults for potential risks associated with cannabis use. This includes assessing their medical history, current medications, and any underlying health conditions that may be affected by cannabis use.

Educating older adults about responsible cannabis use

Alongside screening for risks, healthcare professionals should also provide education and guidance to older adults who choose to use cannabis products. This includes information on appropriate dosing, potential side effects, and the importance of avoiding excessive use.

Furthermore, healthcare professionals should emphasize the importance of open communication between patients and their healthcare providers. Older adults should feel comfortable discussing their cannabis use and any concerns or questions they may have.


The increasing prevalence of cannabis use among older adults necessitates a proactive approach from healthcare professionals. By screening for risks and providing education, healthcare providers can ensure that older adults are using cannabis products responsibly and safely.