Parents’ preferences for vaccinating daughters against human papillomavirus in the Netherlands: a discrete choice experiment

To generate knowledge about potential improvements to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination information and organization strategies, we assessed how aspects of HPV vaccination are associated with parents’preferences for their daughters’uptake, and which trade-offs parents are willing to make between these aspects.

A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was conducted among parents with a daughter aged 10-12 years. Panel mixed logit regression models were used to determine parents’preferences for vaccination.

Trade-offs were quantified between four vaccination programme aspects: degree of protection against cervical cancer, duration of protection, risk of serious side-effects, and age of vaccination.

Total response rate was 302/983 (31%). All aspects influenced respondents’preferences for HPV vaccination (p

Respondents preferred vaccination at age 14 years instead of at a younger age. Respondents were willing to trade-off 11% of the degree of protection to obtain life-time protection instead of 25 years.

To obtain a vaccination with a risk of serious side-effects of 1/750,000 instead of 1/150,000, respondents were willing to trade-off 21%.

Uptake may rise if the age ranges for free HPV vaccinations are broadened. Based on the trade-offs parents were willing to make, we conclude that uptake would increase if new evidence indicated outcomes are better than are currently understood, particularly for degree and duration of protection.

Author: Robine HofmanEsther W de Bekker-GrobHein RaatTheo JM HelmerhorstMarjolein van BallegooijenIda J Korfage
Credits/Source: BMC Public Health 2014, 14:454

Published on: 2014-05-15


News Provider: 7thSpace Interactive

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