Patient perceptions and expectations regarding imaging for metastatic disease in early stage breast cancer

Purpose: The probability of detecting radiologically evident metastatic disease in asymptomatic women with newly diagnosed operable breast cancer is low. Despite the recommendations of most practice guidelines imaging is still frequently performed.

Relatively little is known about what patients believe is important when it comes to radiologic staging.

Patients with early stage breast cancer who had completed their definitive breast surgery were surveyed about their personal experiences, perception, and expectations on the issue of perioperative imaging for distant metastatic disease.

Over a 3 month period, 245 women with primary operable breast cancer completed the questionnaire (87.0% response rate) and 80.8% indicated having had at least one imaging test for distant metastatic disease. These were either of the thorax (72.2%), abdomen (58.9%) or skeleton (65.3%) with a total of 701 imaging tests (average of 3.5 tests per patient imaged) performed.

Overall, 57% indicated that they would want imaging done if the chance of detecting metastases was

Most patients with early stage breast cancer recall having imaging tests for distant metastases.

Given the choice, most would prefer having imaging performed, even if this is not in line with current guidelines. If patient expectations are, in part, driving excessive imaging, new strategies addressing this are required.

Author: Demetrios SimosBrian HuttonIan D GrahamAngel ArnaoutJean-Michel CaudrelierSasha MazzarelloMark Clemons
Credits/Source: SpringerPlus 2014, 3:176

Published on: 2014-04-05


News Provider: 7thSpace Interactive

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