Pools Are Way Grosser Than You Ever Imagined

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What kind of violations are we talking about? Irritating pH levels (seen in 15 percent of inspections), followed closely by issues with safety equipment (which can increase your risk of drowning), and problematic concentrations of disinfectants (which can land you in the ER). And those stats are, unfortch, just for the pools that received routine inspections—only about 68 percent of local health agencies inspect or license public pools, according to the CDC.


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A few things you can do before taking a dip: Grab pH strips from a local hardware store and check the water’s level to ensure its safe (look for a pH between 7.2 and 7.8). 

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You could also take a less Erin Brockovich approach and simply ask when the pool was last inspected and how it did. Though, TBH, who knows what kind of answer you’ll receive. We recommend wearing goggles to safeguard your eyes from murky waters, not drinking the agua (duh, but people do it!), and showering after your swim to wash any potential irritants off your skin. 

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