Positive Psychology in a Elementary School Classroom

In too many schools, teachers muster control mechanisms rather than motivational mechanisms. Children and teenagers are extrinsically conditioned to respond – they are not taught to alone self-motivate. The behavioral strategies rest heavily on strait management: reward, feeble accepted disastrous reinforcement, and mostly, punishment. These approaches are some-more standardised than customized, easier to exercise in groups, and browbeat a educational culture. The behavioral approaches do not precedence a neuroscience investigate to assistance children know and act on a formidable emotional, cognitive, and conative connectors in their brains. 

I wish 21st century teachers to know there is an alternative. we wish to inspire teachers to try another way. we wish them to know a simple neuroscience of training and a neuronal romantic connectors that allege or impede it. we wish them to know a conditions that maintain strengths that capacitate students to self-regulate and self-propel. we wish them to know how to assistance students make and keep friends that are not usually agentic friends reserved a same project. we wish them to assure students can find their possess definition in a work and heed between feat and accomplishment.

I wish teachers to take one of a simple ideas we benefaction and cruise how to raise it, extend it, elaborate it, and raise it. we wish them to know that self-regulation and deferred benefit strait be categorically taught. To know that when a chairman in management allows we to demonstrate strength we stay intent and that strength is internalized. To supplement a fourth R: inclination in attribute building. To learn students a fundamental definition of a charge and to self-assess their possess fulfilment so they don’t work usually for grades or exam scores though also for self-satisfaction. we wish that a clergyman can distill a simple beliefs and remove a guarantee of certain psychology regulating my book as a prompt and manual. we wish reading the book will means a clergyman to ask: have we attempted it this way?

Building children’s ability to rise in a classroom strait start with a cohesive proceed to training certain psychology. To a border that children rise romantic strengths, they are improved versed to request these to a art of friendship and a office of fulfilment in a query for accomplishment.

If a certain psychology classroom transformation grows, there can be a contemporary reconstruction of whole child preparation grounded in a neuroscience of affective learning.


How critical is a whole child transformation in assuring success of students? Does a particularly cognitive or educational proceed work? How does a “reform” transformation of a past decade – some-more tests…more scripted lessons…more correspondence – impact a romantic member of learning? What variables envision that children will flower in school? Do we consider certain psychology is a best means to build a developmental resources that relate with propagandize and lifetime accomplishment? Do we consider a book that overviews a neuroscience, presents an affective training taxonomy, introduces a certain psychology beliefs (PERMA), and relates those to a facile classroom will be helpful? Will a methods and strategies be helpful? Will a representation curriculum, units, lessons, activities, and games be helpful? Will it hint your possess ideas and applications? 


O’Grady, P. (2013) Positive psychology in a facile propagandize classroom. W. W. Norton Company. http://books.wwnorton.com/books/978-0-393-70758-8/

Boniwel, I. Ryan, L. (2012). Personal contentment lessons for delegate schools. Berkshire, UK: Open University Press.

Author Website: http://books.wwnorton.com/books/Author.aspx?id=23961

accomplishment, adolescents, simple neuroscience, behavioral approaches, behavioral strategies, licence schools, child education, strait management, control mechanisms, preparation psychology, educational culture, educational education, romantic connections, health and hygiene, final decade, suggestive reform, disastrous reinforcement, neuroscience research, nurture, certain psychology

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